During the development of any society there is always a push for total control. This urge for total control affects the

range that the individual or society can reach - the world as that person understands it. This urge for total control starts

at the family level, with siblings vying to control the toys and attention of the parents, or the female members of the

group vying to capture the favors of the dominant male, or the males vying to be considered the head of household.

I'm in charge, is the cry. I run the show! Peace is not established until, in each situation, the issue is settled. Due to the number of fights among children, or squabbles among family members, it might seem that the issue is never settled,

but in truth this is usually the expression of resentment, not direct challenges to the established order. Most often the

oldest child rules the younger siblings, the most ambitious female maneuvers herself into an influential position, and

the most ruthless or physically strong male becomes head of household.

Beyond the family, the urge to run the show affects the community, where local politicians, church leaders, those

owning or running local industries, and local organizations with a mission to change this or that get into the act. They

all want to r un the show. The established order runs along until an upstart appears, challenging the leadership and

suggesting change. In a local community, as with a family, the issue of who gets to run the show is often settled by

movement. A divorce in the family, children playing with playmates rather than siblings, a business selling out or

pulling up roots to move to another location, a politician losing an election moving to another community, or a church

group gathering where they will feel less resentment. The young leave rural areas where the established order resist

change, moving to the cities where they hope to find kindred minds. Businesses justify changing their locations or

employment mix on the need to make profits, when this is seldom the real reason for their actions.

On a national level change is dealt with by forming political parties or more often by movement that is not recognized

for what it is. Change on the national level is seldom effected by a single individual, but require revolutions or

rebellions invariably led by individuals. Revolutions are often quiet, such as the communications revolution taking

place today with the Internet, but nonetheless effect a sea change. Where movement frequently settles challenges

within the family, and is often the way out in local community challenges, on a national level movement is difficult to

effect. One must move out of the country to escape, and thus issues remain contentious until change slowly occurs and

an equilibrium is again established - the established order. Nevertheless, movement is possible.

Increasingly, the Earth is becoming a single society, one world. News is international, the polluting practices of one

country affect a neighboring country, war in one draws others into the fray, and famine in one causes migration across

borders into others. The restless peace in any given country is disrupted with change, and in a shrinking world, change

occurs more and more frequently. Where movement is the solution of choice in family or local or even national

challenges, in a world wide society, there is nowhere to move. Thus change is often resisted by grim refusal to budge

or a rush to isolationist practices. But unless a country seals the borders and governs like a dictatorship, these solutions

cannot last. In a shrinking world, a press toward a world government, a single established order, is inevitable.

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ZetaTalk: TWA 800

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ZetaTalk: TWA 800

Note: written Aug 15, 1996.

Unlike the usual terrorists, who quickly claim responsibility and vie for the spotlight, the New World Order crowd

does not want to be known for the havoc they wreak. Where it is suspected that they had a hand in the Oklahoma City

bombing, and that overreaction at Waco and other such standoffs are an excuse to increase the use of strong arm

tactics, few know that the Unibomber was also an arm of the New World Order crowd who used and even focused his

fanaticism to their ends. This crowd wants martial law imposed, as soon as possible, and scientific research and

literacy and the free flow of information stopped also as these things threatens their sense of control over mankind. The

New World Order crowd does not carry cards, or attend regular meetings, or even necessarily know about one another.

They bond because of a mutual mind set, a common cause, and their efforts blend and assist one another without their

even knowing of one another.

Thus, those in the FBI who knew of the Unibomber and looked the other way for decades were not involved in the

Oklahoma City bombing, and those in the military who set and unleashed the bomb that tore a building and many lives

apart in Oklahoma are not aware of their comrades who shot down the TWA plane into the ocean off the New York

harbor. This group is neither the FBI or the US Military, but is nonetheless as deadly and impervious. Just as the black

helicopters that plague contactees and UFOlogists are not under military control, many weapons are in the hands of

terrorists of many persuasions. The plane was exploded in an instant with a high powered ballistic, so fast and

soundless that none on the plane were aware of its approach. When and if the black box from the plane is

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