recovered, it
will give no clues, as the pilots were clueless until the explosion, which came from
their view.
Unlike the Unibomber, who lasted for decades though known to the FBI, this group will come to swift justice. The
justice meted out in non-public trials will be swift and brutal. The secret government, known as MJ12, can be brutal as
many contactees know. This brutality is no longer aimed toward those who are enthusiastic about the alien presence, as
in fact this mistreatment of contactees has come to a complete stop. Per our agreement with MJ12 they have access to
space ship travel and the cloaking from view that goes with this. They also have access to our unlimited ability to
probe men's minds, should they ask for our assistance in this matter. The mechanism used by MJ12, the military
intelligence units, have not lost their skill or nerve, and it is
will had to[2/5/2012 11:13:27 AM]
ZetaTalk: Swissair 111
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The long silence after Swissair 111 exploded, in what had to be a bomb, struck the public as more curious than the fact
of a bombing itself. Swissair has a well deserved reputation as one of the safest air lines. How then would a bomb be
planted, and why the odd profile, where the plane was in trouble for several minutes before exploding? Airport
security, which includes inspecting the maintenance crews, is geared toward the average nut case trying to carry a
suspicious package. Scanning devices, watching for body language or suspicious behavior of the passengers or crew,
cover all but a small percentage of means and ways. Just as few homes can be guarded against the professional,
airlines cannot guard against professionals, and it was a professional job.
Closely guarded individuals are vulnerable when traveling, and often use public transportation to lessen their risk.
Planes can be shot out of the air, so placing oneself on a crowded plane with children, innocent children, often acts as
a type of human bodyguard. This ploy works when one is trying to avoid being hit by those of good conscience, but
carrying secrets they had been threatening to reveal, were targeted. Speculation runs high, as the plane carried UN
personnel, wealthy Arabs, and government agents.
financiers, who were threatening to reveal information that would shake confidence in the financial giants of the world.
In failing markets, to utter these truths, when one is in a position to know these truths, is equivalent to signing a death
warrant.[2/5/2012 11:13:28 AM]
ZetaTalk: Year 2000
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Year 2000 is like the Wizard of Oz behind the curtain. A lot of noise, a lot of banging around and innuendo, with no
punch behind it. Mankind has been told that changes will occur on the millennium, totally disrupting their lives. Trains
won't run, the refrigerator will turn off, food will melt, planes falling from the sky, bank teller machines refusing to
recognize cards. None of this is true. The average person is unaware of computer programs and how they are
structured. If you were to talk about building chairs and tables and you described how the fourth leg was going to
dissolve from under every table at the Year 2000, people would laugh. But if you describe a situation where computer
programs are going to malfunction, they take it seriously, especially if they hear this from a number of sources and this
is not disputed.
Bureaucracies are infamous for being like a lumbering elephant, sluggish and unable to maneuver when changes come
their way. They establish themselves with a set of circumstances, they write procedures that deal with these
circumstances, and when change comes they make these procedures more complicated and cumbersome. All this
works well when the sun rises and sets and crops are harvested and babies are born and old folks die, and life goes on
much the same. The least concern of any bureaucracy is totally renovating itself - they resist change. Budgets are
always slim, and the first thing that gets cut is any large computer system revamping as this is expensive which would
mean that salary increases can’t be made, one’s brother-in-law can’t be hired, and that benefits may need to be
trimmed. This creates all manner of uproar so is put off. Now it can no longer be put off. If one does not think this is
how bureaucrats think, they should just become a fly on the wall in the coffee rooms. Indeed, they know full well that