by creating a crisis they will get an infusion of money that otherwise would have been taken from their salaries and
benefits and additional jobs such as aids and secretaries, all the perks that they enjoy, would be cut. This is to some
degree deliberately planned to create a crisis, because new moneys are made available then. View this with some
cynicism, as it is justified in this situation.
Going into 1999, there were two opposing forces trying to influence Y2K. One group wished to use the possible
outages and panic as an excuse to impose martial law. This same group has used, in the past, such mechanisms as the
outrage over the Oklahoma City bombing and the crash of TWA800 to cry 'terrorist' and attempt to set this process in
motion. They failed, as terrorists were
truth to peek through to the public so that martial law could not be forced upon an ignorant public. This opposing
force, which wishes the populace to be empowered to help themselves as the pole shift approaches, not shackled by
martial law tactics, has the upper hand as we approach the millennium eve. The battles that have occurred during 1999
were not visible to the masses, but were intense and grueling. There were stories of US military forces practicing riot
control, stocking up, and lining up local militias to assist.
at imaginary terrorists.[2/5/2012 11:13:29 AM]
ZetaTalk: Other Explanations
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The Survivor show is a brainchild of the major TV networks, in response to a request floated out to them from the
establishment to mentally prepare the populace for drastic changes that would challenge their mind-set and ability to
survive. How could such a request be made, to major media networks, and not be discussed broadly in the news? The
manner in which the establishment influences the media - which includes TV, radio, movies, magazines, and
newspaper articles - is not bold-faced and with accreditation. It is subtle, passed from a high level government official
to a high level executive, both of whom could be expected to keep their mouths tightly zipped. Thus requested, the
executive has a brain-storming session, and leans in the direction of the request during the ideas that are laid forth. The
staff then thinks this
The basis of the Survivor show, as well as movies showing various Earth-threatening situations such as volcanoes or
meteors or asteroid, is to numb the populace to such scenarios. Think of the horrors the populace encounters regularly
- tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, cancer, child kidnappings, automobile wrecks that leave the survivors maimed. When
such horrors are discussed over coffee break or at the bar, they are treated as something that cannot be avoided, cannot
be planned for, but just must be
survival situations where a member of the group must be
to consider such dire situations, and have the likelihood be accepted, and to become numb.
Take a look at old TV series, old movies, and magazine articles that appears some 20-30 years ago. Do you see such
scenarios? What changed? The reality of the inbound 12th Planet, the likely pole shift, and the fact that the elite have
realized the cannot[2/5/2012 11:13:29 AM]
ZetaTalk: Self Sufficient
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The Year 2000 crisis is also a paper dragon, one of many being used by the establishment to distract the populace from
the real danger. Many such distractions, such as the Presidential impeachment, are simply to draw people away from
the real concerns. Some disasters during the Year 2000 crisis will prove to be almost entirely man-made and could
have been prevented. They have been seeded. Not enough to cause terrible disasters, but enough to put some weight
behind the message so that people will start to take these kind of warnings seriously. The message is to rely on the self.
What if the grid were to be down? What if the stores were to be empty? Start to think. They are trying to get the
populace used to these kind of thoughts. Some of the difficulty with eating beef, some of the scares like mad cow
disease and e-coli, are designed to force people to turn away from a high meat diet and return to a vegetable based
diet, which is of course more efficient. Why feed the cow when you can feed yourself. You really don't need the
protein that you're stuffing into your mouths. Look at the Orient, where they make do with very little, a tad of fish in