Nevertheless, for the individual, the sign they have been given has deep meaning.[2/5/2012 11:31:53 AM]
ZetaTalk: Always in Touch
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We are cognizant of our contactees thoughts, actions, and intentions to the same degree that the contactee is cognizant
of these things. This occurs because we are able to understand his thoughts, and indeed, monitor these thoughts. This is
not a hardship for us, but comes naturally to us. The contactee need not worry about writing us reports or trying to
contact us with his concerns. We are aware. In time, this concept becomes comfortable. In time, in fact, any other
situation seems primitive. What a contactee experiences is a small preview of what they will experience in 4th Density
Service-to-Others.[2/5/2012 11:31:53 AM]
ZetaTalk: Telepathy
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Humans are not by nature telepathic. Where some situations involving strong emotion transport from one human to
another, in general another's emotional state is sensed more from their words and body language and actions. There are
cases where a close bond exists between humans, such as from a mother to a child, and some situations of danger or
distress are sensed, at a distance. These cases usually receive a great deal of attention, and are remembered distinctly
by the individual. This is because of their rarity.
Communications to our contactees include telepathic conversations, which the contactee may or may not be aware of.
Telepathic thought, for humans, seems much like day dreaming. Thoughts just come into the contactee's head. These
conversations differ from day dreaming in that they have a conversational element, and the contactee may think of
something outside of his personal knowledge. Each human we so speak to is different. Some hear our voice, mentally,
better than others. Some cannot resist interjecting their own slant. Some pull the conversation in directions desired.
The overall effectiveness of the communication is dependent on these and other issues. The effectiveness can also
change over time, becoming more or less effective. Our telepathic message is understood by a contactee in their native
language, if words are involved. Long before the word is formed in their mind, however, the concept is understood.
Words may be the first external contact humans have with a concept, but they are in fact the end product of the
conceptualization process.
Words are formed as a result of the human mind understanding a concept and relating this to sounds humans emit
under certain circumstances such as grunts and sighs, or sounds objects make under certain circumstances such as
thuds or tinkling, and finally relating this to sounds or symbols other humans have made when describing these
concepts. First comes the concept, then comes the symbol to describe it - the written or spoken word. We communicate
the concept to the contactee and
communication in terms of words, as they anticipate having to communicate to other humans. You are, as you say,
hard wired to do this, so you don't turn this off. The words a contactee forms in their mind are not needed for
communication to us, however. They are simply so much excess noise, and we ignore them.[2/5/2012 11:31:54 AM]
ZetaTalk: Soul-to-Soul
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Contactees are aware of visits that involve their physical body, as during recall they float through walls, levitate
rapidly, are in a paralyzed state, feel the cold surface of an examining table or have other such memories in the
subconscious mind that confirm that a visit occurred. Then there are Out-Of-Body experiences, which the spirit
communicates to the mind in concepts the mind can grasp - sights, sounds, and smells. Contactees can also have
visitations, soul-to-soul while their spirit was incarnated rather than Out-Of-Body. This is a visitation, a contact, as
much as a contact in physical form, but they have no specific memory of this as sensory memory of the visit is
bring the mind up to date on where it's been and what was observed. All were in the same place. No missing time, no
hidden memories, no recorded Out-Of-Body experience about to unfold - an in-situ visitation recorded only in the