during the

visits with other humans, planning their roles during the times moving into the shift, their roles during the shift itself, and in particular their roles in the Aftertime. These roles are, as we hardly need mention, inter-related and coordinated by the contactees themselves and their alien visitors, as a team. What sorts of activities might be planned?

Prior to the shift, accidental meetings among humans who then become acquainted with each other in the

conscious mode. This facilitates later meetings when they will be conscious, as they will better recognize each

other and not hesitate to work fully with each other.

During the shift, the roles are often involving guiding groups to safety, though many roles involve staying with

those doomed to help them understand what has occurred. During the shift, there will be attempts by the elite to

prevent awareness of the coming changes until it is too late. Thus, a role during the shift might be leaking

information, breaking this cover-up with the truth.

The roles in the Aftertime will be diverse, depending upon skillsets and the climate the contactee is used to

functioning in. For instance, a contactee who is an Eskimo might find life in the tropics of Alaska uncomfortable

and not making best use of their skills. They may be expected to arrive in suddenly frozen land, to help those

surviving there understand how to proceed.

Now, given this kind of volunteering and coordination, what might a contactee, unaware consciously of his status,

expect? They may find themselves in a book store, browsing books they have previously not had an interest in. They

may find themselves drawn, impelled, toward a particular location such as a park, on a certain day, and find

themselves talking to an otherwise stranger as though a friend. This is not an accident, this was a plan. Both contactees met, earlier, and deciding they needed to get consciously aquatinted so as to lessen time loss when the

workload was upon them, made this plan. Both determined the time and location, and both set out that day to meet each other. Should either get lost, or delayed, the other would get this message via their visitors, who are monitoring

the meeting to assist and ensure it takes place. These meetings are a desire of the humans involved, who are in essence giving The Call to accomplish this, and thus assisting in this is quite in line with the rules on interference with human affairs.

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ZetaTalk: Contactee Modification

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ZetaTalk: Contactee Modification

Note: written on Aug 15, 1996

Increasingly contactees wishing a role in the Earth's Transformation will receive an assist in the form of genetic

changes. They will be modified. Just as humans have discovered they can increase the yield of tomato plants or create

pollution eating bacteria by manipulating DNA, visitors who have been given The Call by their contactees asking for

this type of assistance may receive it. What does this entail? Will the contactee grow a third eye, turn green, or begin

levitating at will? Contactee modification is always such that human society cannot determine that anything at all has happened. It is transparent to the society the contactee lives within, and neither the spouse, the family, the co-workers, or those passing on the street would ever guess that a change has occurred.

Contactee modification covers a wide range of contactee requests, and therefore a wide range of modifications can

occur. Perhaps the contactee is fearful, and finds the tendency of their mind and body to interfere with their resolve an annoyance. They wish to be rid of the acid stomach, the weak knees, the distracted mind. For a modification to occur,

this wish must have a basis in Service-to-Other motivations, or the modification would never be considered. The fear-

ridden contactee wants less distraction in order to confront injustice, not because they wish attention as a skydiver.

Modifications are such that the contactee alone senses that something is different. They are, at least subconsciously,

aware of being annoyed with some aspect of their physical body. They are aware of their intentions. When they find

their physical reactions less intrusive, and that they have an ability to proceed, they sense that they are somehow

different. Perhaps they are sick less often, less plagued by allergies, less likely to overeat or eat the wrong foods as

their appetite is surprisingly controllable, need less sleep, can concentrate better, are calm in a crisis, can deal with pain without losing control, have more stamina, can hear with more clarity, are more telepathic or find they can read

others more effectively, or simply are more organized and determined. Since these effects can happen normally to

humans, not being out of the range of possibility, no one but the contactee understands what has in fact occurred. They

have been modified, per their request.

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ZetaTalk: Allergies

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ZetaTalk: Allergies

Note: written on Feb 15, 1997

Being allergy prone is a common trait among those who claim to be contactees. This is not altogether incorrect, as

there is a tendency for contactees to have allergies, but the reason ascribed is not the real reason for the allergies.

Allergic reactions are very much under the influence of one's mental state, caused as they are by a heightened immune

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