system reaction where the body is hyper-alert as it were. Nervous tension makes allergies worse, as any asthma

sufferer will attest. Tense situation = asthma attack. Some allergy prone individuals break out in hives during tense

situations, a direct one-to-one correlation. Likewise many allergy sufferers report that their allergies simply go away

when a situation they have been dealing with resolves and their nervous tension is reduced.

Contactees are certainly dealing with tense situations. Not only is the visit itself strange and a bit unnerving, but the situation on the home front is in most cases not supportive. The contactee cannot share their experiences, and if they

do so find they are ostracized and treated with disdain. Thus the strangeness of the situation cannot be lessened, in the time honored manner that humans use to reduce their anxiety - talking it out with others. The contactee must bury their

anxieties, rather than express them, and the outcome is often, in those who are allergy prone, an allergy attack!

All rights reserved: [email protected][2/5/2012 11:31:59 AM]

ZetaTalk: Ear Problems

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ZetaTalk: Ear Problems

Note: written on Oct 15, 1996

The ear is a sensitive organ, designed to alert the human to a loss of balance as well as serving as the hearing sense.

Loss of balance, or falling, is sensed by a change in blood pressure, the delicate difference between what is going on in one side of the head versus the other. This dual role of the ears involves the ear in visitations in a way that confuses

many contactees - ringing in the ears, temporary loss of hearing, pain in the ears, or excessive drainage from the ears

due to such irritations.

During visitations the human may be suddenly taken on a quick trip to a ship, and if the human is afraid of

heights this can be alarming, raising the blood pressure.

The human may be paralyzed for ease of passage and to reduce anxieties, but when coming out of this state,

which is a natural state akin to what a possum assumes when playing possum, the human may have sudden

changes in blood pressure as the body adjusts to being alert again.

Some contactees undergo modifications to their physiology, having given The Call and their request having been

deemed a true desire to help others, and these modifications invariably require the human body to adjust. The

human body experiences surges in blood pressure during all physical changes, however benign. During sex,

exercise, intense curiosity, anxiety, illness, or simply a change in altitude - the body will experience changes in

blood pressure.

All rights reserved: [email protected][2/5/2012 11:31:59 AM]

ZetaTalk: Brain Buzz

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ZetaTalk: Brain Buzz

Note: written on Nov 15, 1996

Implants are reported to cause lumps under the skin, bleeding from the nose, tingling when separated from the surface

nerves that have grown around them, and a general sense of relief from intrusion and invasion when removed. All of

these symptoms would be true of any foreign object in the body, which would be a detectable lump, cause bleeding at

the still healing entry point, require cut nerves for removal if nerves have grown around it, and weigh on the mind,

especially if conscious awareness of the implant's purpose was not established. Unique to alien implants is their

capacity to cause what many contactees describe as a jolt or buzz in the brain, a sensation they cannot biologically

reconcile. Some contactees seek medical advice, convinced they have a brain tumor or, if they experience a momentary

loss of muscular control, perhaps epilepsy. Combined with the ear problems many contactees experience, many also

suspect a disease of the inner ear, and run repeatedly to this specialist or that, seeking an explanation. What causes the jolt or buzz, and what purpose does it serve?

Implants, as we have explained, are locating devices, allowing the contactee to be quickly located prior to a visitation.

The devices respond to a signal sent in all directions, an answering call. To generate the signal, the implant utilizes the nervous system, which operates by electrical impulses of a sort, and thus is detectable to the contactee. A temporary

disruption of local nerve traffic, along with a local reaction to the strength of the signal sent through brain, bone, and muscle. Within a dead body, the implant would not respond to the locating signal, thus informing the visitors, who in

any case eventually learn of the death of their contactee via spiritual routes, of a death. Implants also respond with a

unique signal, generated from the DNA of the contactee, so that the implant response confirms not only that the

contactee is alive but that the implant is still located within the proper body. Thus, when contactees experience a jolt of buzz in the brain, they should not be alarmed. All is working as intended, and what they are experiencing confirms

their link to the visitors they have asked to meet.

All rights reserved: [email protected][2/5/2012 11:32:00 AM]

ZetaTalk: Clue Lists

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ZetaTalk: Clue Lists

Note: written on Apr 15, 1997

A popular pastime in those discussing the alien presence and the wealth of information on what contactees

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