
both during their visitations and afterwards, when struggling to live a double life in human society, is the clue list.

Every symptom of anxiety or nervous tension is listed, with the erstwhile contactee assured that if they can check off a

dozen or more of these symptoms then they are most likely a contactee. The problem with these lists is that any and all those symptoms occur in the populace as a whole, are regularly part of the human experience, and do not, in and of themselves, indicate a contactee status! Even symptoms such as brain buzz or irritated draining ears do not in and of

themselves indicate a contactee status, and most certainly allergies are common enough to be considered almost

normal for the human condition. Thus, no assurance can be gotten from a simple clue list, including such clues as

recall of visitations, which can and often are simply imagination, a reaction to reading contactee literature.

Sorting out whether one is or is not a contactee is not a simple matter, and involves the intensity of recall, the presence of smells and touch during recall as well as visual memories, the correlation of the appearance of scars and missing

time with recalled instances, and remembrance of factors routinely present in visitations prior to reading or learning about them from outside sources, and other such confirming circumstances. Check lists are designed in the main to

intrigue the reader and sell magazines or increase web site activity, not to help the populace determine their contactee

status. Would you conclude that you had cancer based upon a check list? Or perhaps conclude that you needed to go to

a divorce attorney and institute proceedings based on a check list? Or sell your car and buy another based on a check

list? Check lists have their place, but not in complicated situations involving a number of variables.

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ZetaTalk: Blood Types

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ZetaTalk: Blood Types

Note: written on Apr 15, 1997

A popular rumor holds that humans can determine the predominant alien contribution in their

genes by blood type. This is patently false, as blood types vary for reasons other than race, as

any anthropologist will attest. All racial groups have all blood types, regardless of how pure

or sullied the racial heritage is considered to be. Blood type is a characteristic like fingers or

toes that express in all hominoids, and is thus representative of all hominoid contributions to

the family of man. Where the various races in the family of man had different base apes and

different hominoid contributors, they all have 5 fingers and toes and the same number of

teeth. This is because all hominoids presently operating in your part of the Universe came

from the same base! Blood type variation was present in the base, and expresses in all those

hominoid variations that result from the base.

Blood type is a variant in the base hominoid, just as six fingers or toes can express in a

population normally outfitted with five fingers or toes. There is curly hair and straight hair,

dark hair and blond hair, in all racial groups. This may be doubted, as the Negro seems to

have only curly dark hair, but in fact there are those occasional births that are treated as a sign

from the gods or more often as a curse to be rid of, in which a straight haired babe is born, or

one with light colored hair. These abnormalities were done away with quickly, in the past,

and thus the gene pool altered. Just as six fingers or webbed fingers are rare, so some blood

types are rare. That these genes express is significant of nothing more than a genetic toss of

the dice and coming together of availability in the mother and father. There is no other

significance in these variations.

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ZetaTalk: On the Increase

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ZetaTalk: On the Increase

Note: written on Nov 15, 1998

As the Transformation progresses, contactee status will become increasingly common. In 1998, we would estimate that

there are perhaps 12,000 true contactees, but this is due for an exponential rise as the Awakening progresses. People

are increasingly allowed to see space ship displays, en mass with their friends and neighbors, so that there can be no

doubt as to what they are seeing. Therefore, they are willing to reach out and explore the possibility of life elsewhere, of visitors to their Earth, and thus become contactees. In this count, we are not including Star Children. Incarnated Star Children are not considered by us to be contactees, they are themselves visitors. Their number ranges, depending upon

walk-in status, between several hundred thousand upwards toward a million.

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ZetaTalk: Protection/Healings

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ZetaTalk: Protection/Healings

Note: written on Sep 15, 2002

There is much desire among mankind, those who are contactees or not, for some sort of protection during the coming

times. They look to their gods, to their governments, to their circle of family and friends, and see these will be lacking.

Hearing of some protections, or healings, being given to humans by aliens, hope leaps into their hearts. We have, as

other valid alien channels have, explained that some healing is done, and

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