pitch sticky black tar-like substance350 chase hunt351 fills…cry makes up one of the pack352 cudgelled beaten353 issue outcome354 wit sense359 dilatory slow/delaying361 cashiered (got) dismissed362 against exposed to363 Yet…ripe i.e. the dismissal of Cassio demonstrates that our plan is blossoming and will ensure that the eventual outcome (fruit) of our schemes is successful364 troth truth370 move entreat, solicit372 the while meanwhile373 jump precisely375 device schemingMusicians music was traditionally played outside a bridal bedroom at dawn1 content your pains pay for your efforts4 Naples southwestern Italian city i’th’nose with a nasal twang like that of the Neapolitan accent/like one whose nasal tissue has been damaged by syphilis, of which there was a high incidence in Naples5 How what8 tail penis (though the Musician hears “tale,” i.e. story)10 wind instrument sense has now shifted to “flatulent anus”12 love’s the love you bear him/Othello’s lovemaking with Desdemona13 noise plays on nose19 up away23 keep…quillets hold back your quibbles24 gentlewoman female attendant25 stirring up and about (but in his response the Clown shifts the sense to “sexually arousing”) 27 seem arrange, contrive29 In happy time (you have come at) an opportune moment36 presently immediately37 mean method41 A Florentine i.e. even a Florentine (one of Cassio’s own countrymen)43 displeasure being out of favor46 fame reputation47 affinity family/connections wholesome sound, beneficial49 suitor petitioner53 advantage of a favorable opportunity for57 bosom heart, inmost thoughts2 do my duties convey my respects3 works fortifications4 Repair return/make your way3 I warrant I’m sure13 strangeness aloofness, unfriendliness14 politic discreet/expedient17 nice and waterish insubstantial and thin (or possibly “luxurious and succulent”)18 breed…circumstances renew itself out of various events/generate so few opportunities (for my reinstatement)19 supplied filled21 doubt fear22 warrant assurance, guarantee25 watch him tame tame him by preventing him from sleeping (a method for training hawks) 26 board a shrift table (shall seem) a confessional29 solicitor pleader/representative/ lawyer (legal language continues with cause)30 away up36 do your discretion obey your own judgment46 suitor petitioner (Desdemona unconsciously puns on the sense of “lover”)50 grace virtue/favor with you51 present reconciliation take restore him to your favor immediately/accept the reconciliation he now seeks53 in cunning deliberately57 sooth truly65 dinner lunch72 trespass fault, offense common reason everyday judgment74 best best men not almost hardly even75 check reprimand78 mamm’ring stammering hesitantly82 in i.e. into favor85 boon favor graciously granted88 peculiar particular, personal90 touch test91 poise heaviness, importance/balance, equipoise (making choice hard) difficult weight hard to assess or weigh94 Whereon as a result of which97 straight straightaway, very soon98 fancies inclinations, whims100 Perdition destruction/ damnation catch seize114 aught anything126 of…Of in my confidence during128 purse furrow, knit130 conceit imagining/idea134 for because136 stops hesitations/abrupt pauses137 false treacherous138 custom habit139 close dilations secret delays/hidden accusations140 rule control, restrain145 seem none not be men/not seem to be anything at all, not convince in the slightest154 that…free the thing that even slaves are not bound to do (i.e. speak their thoughts) 158 uncleanly morally impure159 leets courts held by some manorial lords law-days days on which courts of law meet sessions sittings of the law court160
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