smiled at that moment?
Why had Papa turned red and taken my hand? Can it be that he was ashamed
of me?
Oh, it was dreadful! Alas, if only Mamma had been there she would never
have blushed for her Nicolinka!
How on the instant that dear image led my imagination captive! I seemed
to see once more the meadow before our house, the tall lime-trees in the
garden, the clear pond where the ducks swain, the blue sky dappled with
white clouds, the sweet-smelling ricks of hay. How those memories--aye,
and many another quiet, beloved recollection--floated through my mind at
that time!
At supper the young man whom I have mentioned seated himself beside
me at the children's table, and treated me with an amount of attention
which would have flattered my self-esteem had I been able, after the
occurrence just related, to give a thought to anything beyond my failure
in the mazurka. However, the young man seemed determined to cheer me
up. He jested, called me 'old boy,' and finally (since none of the
elder folks were looking at us) began to help me to wine, first from one
bottle and then from another and to force me to drink it off quickly.
By the time (towards the end of supper) that a servant had poured me out
a quarter of a glass of champagne, and the young man had straightway bid
him fill it up and urged me to drink the beverage off at a draught, I
had begun to feel a grateful warmth diffusing itself through my body.
I also felt well-disposed towards my kind patron, and began to laugh
heartily at everything. Suddenly the music of the Grosvater dance struck
up, and every one rushed from the table. My friendship with the young
man had now outlived its day; so, whereas he joined a group of the older
folks, I approached Madame Valakhin to hear what she and her daughter had
to say to one another.
'Just HALF-an-hour more?' Sonetchka was imploring her.
'Impossible, my dearest.'
'Yet, only to please me--just this ONCE?' Sonetchka went on
'Well, what if I should be ill to-morrow through all this dissipation?'
rejoined her mother, and was incautious enough to smile.
'There! You DO consent, and we CAN stay after all!' exclaimed Sonetchka,
jumping for joy.
'What is to be done with such a girl?' said Madame. 'Well, run away and
dance. See,' she added on perceiving myself, 'here is a cavalier ready
waiting for you.'
Sonetchka gave me her hand, and we darted off to the salon. The wine,
added to Sonetchka's presence and gaiety, had at once made me forget
all about the unfortunate end of the mazurka. I kept executing the most
splendid feats with my legs--now imitating a horse as he throws out his
hoofs in the trot, now stamping like a sheep infuriated at a dog, and
all the while laughing regardless of appearances.
Sonetchka also laughed unceasingly, whether we were whirling round in
a circle or whether we stood still to watch an old lady whose painful
movements with her feet showed the difficulty she had in walking.
Finally Sonetchka nearly died of merriment when I jumped half-way to the
ceiling in proof of my skill.
As I passed a mirror in Grandmamma's boudoir and glanced at myself
I could see that my face was all in a perspiration and my hair
dishevelled--the top-knot, in particular, being more erect than ever.
Yet my general appearance looked so happy, healthy, and good-tempered
that I felt wholly pleased with myself.
'If I were always as I am now,' I thought, 'I might yet be able to
please people with my looks.' Yet as soon as I glanced at my partner's
face again, and saw there not only the expression of happiness, health,