“You were raised in the country.” They stood barefoot, wearing identical black shorts, not that it mattered. She wouldn’t know who she was bantering with if they wore different colors.

“Can we help?”

All right, what were they up to now?

“Sure, you can.” She looked around to see what would be safest for her vegetables. “You can pull weeds in the corn rows. You know, the dirt path between the rows of corn.”

“Ha ha.”

“I’d put shoes and shirt on. And gloves wouldn’t hurt.”

They came down the row behind her and picked her up by her underarms, letting her feet dangle.

“Hey, guys! I’ve work to do if you want to eat this winter. Len, don’t you have to work today?”

They set her down on the patio, sandwiched between them. The one behind her moved the lose strands of the hair and started kissing her neck. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” she said about the time he started sputtering.

“Damn, it tastes like-”

“Bug spray. Part of my gardening attire.

“Okay, fine. How long before you wash it off?” the man in front of her asked.

“When the work is done.” She walked over to the ledge near the kitchen window and picked up her garden cologne. “I’ll be done sooner if you help.” They held out their arms, allowing her to spray them down. “Between the corn rows.” Smiling, she watched them take opposite sides of the twenty twelve-foot rows she planted. They got down on their hands and knees and started pulling. It was all she could do not laugh her ass off at the site of two grown men crawling around in the corn. They didn’t have to, but decided to let them punish themselves for a bit. She returned to the beans, knowing any moment they’d start to grumble.

“This is going to take a week.”

“Yeah, well, you have the softer end.”

“No, you do. Let’s switch.”

She smirked and watched them trade places, but continued on, deciding they needed to suffer a while longer, for the hell of it if for no other reason.

“Man, the weeds are cemented in.”

“Told you.”

“Trade back.”


Jackie rolled her eyes, went over to the shed, and pulled out two hoes. Walking over to the corn, she stood for a moment eyeing their asses. She whistled and they both looked around at her. “Nice view, sexy, I call a tie at ten.” She tapped the tools on the ground. “This is what I use to weed. I’m pretty sure you were brought up to use them, too.” They all but ran to her.

Each man grabbed one, kissed her on the mouth and muttered, “Ten and a half,” as they walked away.

Laughing, she returned to the beans to finish her last row for the day.

When she reached the end of the row, she realized she hadn’t heard a peep from the guys in a while. She went along the corn until she saw them. They worked fast, having done a little over half between them, and the work was passable. Satisfied, she hauled the bushel of beans to her outdoor sink, uncovered it and started filling it with water before dumping the beans in to wash them. As it filled, she did what she often did when it was bean pickin’ day, she stripped out of the clothes and stood under the outdoor shower to wash the sweat, repellant and itch away. The cold water felt wonderful on her heated skin, caused as much from the guys’ near nakedness then the sun beating down on her. Without drying, she pulled on a smock top which once belonged her mother-in-law. It covered her ass and that was all she needed as she washed the beans and picked off the ends. She had two tubs to put them in as she did.

One for the ones she snapped for canning, the other for ones she left whole for the freezer.

“Hey, tryin’ to distract us?”

She grinned. “Get back to work.”

“I did my half.” He stood under the shower with his shorts on. “You always run around naked?”

“We’re in the country-no two-legged neighbors,” she said, watching the water run down his chest. “You’re distracting me. Why don’t you go in and turn the burner on under the black kettle?”

He came over to her, dripping, and put his arms around her. “I think you’re the distraction.”

“Mmm, think so? Well, you tell me which one you are and I might reward you special.”

“I don’t know how much more special it can get after last night.” His hand moved down over her clit, massaging it.

She melted into his fingers, swallowing the need to give him her full attention.

“What did you like best?” she managed.

“I don’t know. It was all amazing.”

She widened her stance and curled her arm around his neck as his fingers probed farther. “I have chores to finish before I can play.”

“You wash and I’ll play, then.”

He pulled her hips back against him and she leaned over the sink still attempting to do the beans, but his cock slipped in so easy she couldn’t recall if she was putting the beans in the right tubs.

“Cheat, cheat, cheat,” his brother said, coming up to them. “You had the easy side.”

“You traded.”

“You tricked me.” He stripped before stepping under the shower.

She watched him run the soap over his chest as she tried to hold onto the sink with wet hands. His cock became rigid. Running her tongue over her lips, she could almost taste him. Fingers rubbed her clit and her head fell as she came with him. She splashed water on her face. “Oh, don’t stop now,” she groaned when he pulled out.

“No worries, I’m here to save the daaaaay!” Fresh cold water dripped on her heated flesh as the rigid cock she’d been drooling over entered her.

“Oh yeah, do it hard.” He did. His fingers bit into her as he rammed her over and over. Her muscles tightened around him. “Feels so good.”

He leaned over her and bit her shoulder with gentle teeth. “Woman, I want to do this all day. Your pussy is like a fitted glove.”

His words sent her flying over the edge. He grabbed her as she saw the water coming closer to her face. “You’re so hot, baby,” he whispered against her ear.

“Oh, god,” she panted when another rush swept through her. She trembled uncontrollably.

“Nice.” He nibbled on her ear and she shivered. She grabbed onto the sink, letting her body come down.

“Thanks for not letting me drown,” she gasped.

“My pleasure.”

She moved from him, letting him ease from her. “Let me suck you off-then I have to get the beans done.” Turning around, she kissed him, long, slow and sensuous, tasting his lips before going to her knees. She ran her tongue up Lenny’s shaft, around the head back down and up-that was all the foreplay she could muster. She took his length in one movement, sucking as she moved up and down. His fingers held her head while he thrust setting the pace his need required. He swelled and she massaged his balls until the shot of cum rolled down her throat.

“Mmmm,” she moaned as he fed her a warm mid-morning snack.

She sat back on her heels when he stumbled backwards. “What, I literally blew you away?”

He laughed. “You did. Wowza!”

Jackie looked around for Randy. He stood behind her, leaning against the sink with a hard-on tenting his shorts. “As much as I want to help you out, break’s over. I have chores.” When he started to pout, she shook her head. “Inside, both of you. One of you best make sure you don’t lose your job and the other best not miss any interviews he has scheduled.”

They turned and walked toward the house, their heads hanging. “She never lets us have any fun.”

“She’s mean. Let’s run away.”

Oh my god! She rolled her eyes and went cool down under the shower before getting back to the beans.

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