Hours had passed, the canning was done, the beans blanched and in the freezer, a roast cooked in the oven for dinner and Jackie was tired, but content. The guys had disappeared, leaving to do her thing and she now wondered where they were as she sat out on the front stoop with a glass of lemonade. They hadn’t gone into town, because all three vehicles were still in the drive. She yawned. Most likely they were off concocting some crazy escapade for the evening.
Getting to her feet, she went to fix a bath while she had a chance. She filled the tub, lit sugar cookie candles and turned the light out. After undressing, she slipped down into the water. Laying back with her eyes closed, she allowed herself to bask in the aftermath of a fantasy come true. She’d heard the reality of them was never as good as what the mind conjured, but so far, she had to disagree. In fact, if it were possible, it had been better. The guys had totally been into it, even this morning. Now she thought about it, it seemed her plan aligned with theirs. Wow!
For Lenny to go along with this, he had to have thought it through, which meant it wasn’t spur of the moment. The little stinker, she thought as she laid a wash cloth over her eyes. A wonderful, lovable stinker whom she loved with everything she was. How it was possible to love someone more than you already did, she didn’t know, but she did.
She sighed and let herself dose.
Jackie’s internal clock went off and she pulled the plug and grabbed a towel. It was time to finish dinner, and if the man-boys weren’t around, maybe they’d show up when they smelled food. She hoped so. She hoped they weren’t playing seek and find us, though it could be fun to find them and have some hot one-on-one while the other waited to be found. Thinking about it brought up another aspect of having Randy live there. She’d like to know if it was possible for her to have a sexual relationship with him without it interfering with her marriage. Both of them were so much fun in bed, but in different ways. However, after last night, and this morning, why would he have a problem?
She dusted a little body powder on her heating body, brushed her hair out, then went to dress. The bed made her smile. Yep, Lenny had no problem sharing her with his brother. She buttoned her shorts on her way from the room.
The television was on when she entered the living room. One of the guys had stretched out on the couch with a bag of chips on his chest. His cohort sat in the recliner. Both appeared to be napping. Shaking her head, she went on into the kitchen, 159
halting a step or two through the door. Her mouth opened and closed as her eyes stung with the threat of tears. She turned to retrace her steps back to the living room, but both of the men stood there with hips cocked, thumbs sticking in their pockets. “What possessed you?”
“You,” they said together.
She walked up to them, kissed them on the cheek and hugged them together. “I love you!”
Excited, she approached the table and sniffed the Black-eyed Susan’s and fingered the soft petals of the chicory. She loved wildflowers and it touched her soul to know they’d gone out and picked them. She gazed around the beautiful table they’d set with her good stoneware. She reached for the bottle of wine, but the label was in a foreign language.
Looking over at the men, she said, “I’m not going to ask. Tonight.” She set it down. “Let me finish dinner.” Moved, she turned toward the stove. She took the roast from the oven in order to add vegetables, but they’d already added them. They had to be up to something
She faced them. “How much is it going to cost?”
“What?” they asked.
“Whatever you damaged?”
“We didn’t, we swear.” They held up their right hands.
“We’ve been acting like boys so we wanted to make up for it.”
She tilted her head, smiling. “Not all of the time.”
“Really?” They looked at one another and high fived. “We’re half-boy, half-man.
Who’d have thunk it.” She shook her head. “Oh, sorry. No more boy.”
They’ll always be boys, she thought, but they were her boys, as they were her men. She set the roast back in the oven to finish cooking and turned around to see one of them opening the wine and pour three glasses.
Taking the glass handed her, he held his in the air. “To the loveliest, smartest and sexiest woman alive.”
“Here, here.”
They came closer to her, clinking their glasses with hers, smiling ever so sexy, their eyes holding promises she didn’t want to believe for fear it was her wistfulness.
She sipped the wine as she walked through the house to sit on the porch. Resting her feet on the porch railing, she laid her head back against the wicker chair with her eyes closed. The screen door opened but didn’t close right away, telling her they’d both come out.
No one said a word. They didn’t have to. The silence was comfortable but wired with anticipation of the night ahead, maybe. It certainly was on her part.
She glanced over at them. They leaned on the far railing, their backs to her. No doubt pondering their plans they’d been off making. Adrenalin pumped through her.
Need throbbed between her thighs and crawled through her legs, making them restless.
She needed activity to hold herself off. Getting up, she went inside to knock some balls into the pocket.
“Now that looks like dinner,” said a voice from the stairs.
Jackie looked over her shoulder. The reasons she was down here knocking balls around stood on the stairs gawking at her ass. She finished lining up the six solid for the far corner pocket and sank the ball. Then she responded, “Dinner? No. Better.” Putting the stick in the rack, she started up the stairs. She patted the ass in front of her. “Should have made this an appetizer.”
“Still can.”
“Nope, too late. Go wash up, and do it without getting soaked or making a mess.”
“Yes, Mommy,” the one she couldn’t reach with her hand said in with a boyish tone.
She crossed to the stove when they entered the kitchen, giving her attention to the transfer of dinner from pan to platter. She sliced the roast then went to set it on the table. The men sat in their chairs, hands under the table. Jackie thought it odd to see them so proper. It made her suspicious. Eying one then the other, she sat and fixed her plate, uneasy with the quiet. Any moment now, they were going to burst out with something to scare the living daylights out of her. Or wait for her to yell at them, because she couldn’t stand it. They’d win, as it was already getting to her.
Although she could feign apologetic behavior, slip down beside them and give them blow jobs to bring back the men she knew, she thought. She flexed her thighs when her pussy jumped with excitement.
She ate while watching them put food on their plate and eat ever so slow. The bizarre behavior was too much. After a long drink from her wine glass, she sat back.
“What are you guys doing?” she asked.
“Being perfect gentlemen.”
“More like prissy high-society spinsters at a tea,” she said then threw a piece of carrot at both of them in an attempt to get her boys back. They didn’t react like she wanted. Rather they took another bite and chewed with blank stares. “All right, enough.”
She threw more food at them.
“Food fight!” they called.
Carrots, potatoes and even the meat came at her from both directions faster than she could throw back. When the barrage ended, she saw food everywhere but on the table, even in their hair. She burst out laughing, went to sit, but missed the chair.
“Oh, god!” She lay back laughing, struggling to breathe. They came to help her up, but she tugged them down to her. “You’re going to help me clean the mess up.”