They started licking potato from her chest. It wasn’t what she meant by clean up, but hey, it
“Have to make sure,” Lenny said, moving his mouth between her breasts. He never failed to go for them first. They were his favorite part of her body while his brother had to have her pussy first. Another point in the pro threesome column, she thought.
She lifted her hips, letting Randy remove her shorts and crawl between her legs.
“Could be something down here, too,” he said, running his tongue around her pubic area.
Sighing, she caressed Lenny’s cheek as she watched his tongue circle around her pebbled tip. He switched to the other as fingers probed her tunnel, slowly moving in 163
and out. She caressed his side with her toes driving him nuzzle in. He lapped and nibbled around his busy fingers. Her hands stretched over the floor, the pads of her fingertips pressing into the tile as she drew them back. Hands cupped her butt cheeks, holding her against his face. Shudders swept through her. Her pussy clenched.
Lenny drew her nipple deep into his mouth, causing her to arch. “This is so hot,”
she moaned as a slithering orgasm moved through her to the edge. She arched and all of sudden, they left her. “Hey?” she panted. They started cleaning up the table as well as the mess on the floor.
They looked at her. “Yeah?” Randy asked.
“Thought you wanted the mess cleaned up,” her husband added.
“I do, but…” She watched them in disbelief.
“But, what?”
“Not at the expense of what you started.”
Lenny grinned at her. “Maybe we’re ADD.”
“And you do have two hands.” Randy looked around at her from where he knelt cleaning food from the floor. “They don’t seem to be doing anything else at the moment.”
“With two sexy hunks in the house,” she said crawling over to him. She pushed him over onto his back and yanked at the snap of jeans. “I have better things to do with my hands.” She proceeded to prove it by pulling his jeans down and wrapping her fingers around his erection.
“They are quite powerful, too. I can stop your arousal, heighten it, even make you come in seconds,” she said while her hand moved over his hot shaft. She looked across the table at his brother, who stared at them. “What do you think he’d prefer?”
“I don’t know about him, but I want your mouth wrapped around my dick.”
The cock in her hand jerked. “Well, what are you doing over there?” She smiled at the man on his back. “He spoke for it first.”
In route around the table, Lenny removed his jeans.
They fell under her control and she realized she had the power to bring them to their knees, or back, as the case may be. It made her feel like she held a whip without actually having one. They were hers to master at this moment.
Spasms ran through her, forcing her to admit, the power went both ways. They shared it despite who had control now as her body reminded her by begging to ride of their delicious cocks.
She leaned over, brushing her lips across the tip of her husband’s shaft when he knelt in front of her. It bobbed. Overwhelmed with eroticism, she trembled with excitement.
“Oh, he’s a happy boy.” She swirled her tongue around the head, inhaling his musky scent. Jackie sighed then looked over at the one who didn’t dare move as long as she gripped his prize package. Randy had folded his hands under his head, watching her. She winked at him and gave him a little hand action and saw his eyes flutter. She smiled up at the lucky one in front of her.
“Be right back.” With eyes blurred with arousal, Jackie took Randy’s cock deep in her mouth, wetting it. “Mmm, yum,” she said. Gripping it, she started jacking him then turned back to the patient man. He’d moved closer which helped her to handle both of them with more ease. She mouthed the reddening length, her own arousal demanding attention, but she wanted to care for her men first.
Enveloping the cock, she sucked, moving her hand in time with her head. Lenny stilled her, his breathing shaky as he thrust between her lips. She felt hips rise off from the floor, his legs move out. Both of her boys were getting close. She tilted her head to see Randy. He watched her through the slits of his eyes, his chest moving with labored breathing. She sucked, faster, deeper. Alternating groans filtered around the room.
Stopping her hand at the base of his cock, she tightened, holding him off. Pre-cum flowed around her tongue and she sucked hard, slow and moved his hip hinting he could go ahead and pump her. A guttural moan escaped him as he grabbed her head, spurting with each thrust before he stilled, jerking with aftershocks. She swallowed and sucked until he eased out. Running her tongue over him, she cleaned him up before he fell back on the floor, panting.
Hungry for more, Jackie took Randy’s raging hard-on into her mouth. He bucked, air swooshing from his lungs. Sucking, she loosened her fingers and cupped his balls.
They were rock solid. She lowered wrapping her lips around one. His musky scent intoxicated her, urging her to run her tongue over it, circling until his thighs tensed. His hips rose and fell, she sucked as he moved between her fingers.
“I’m going to lose it,” he announced.
She switched to the other testicle, moved her mouth over it like a lollipop. He groaned and his body jerked, shaking. Grinning, she ran her tongue up his shaft, watching him shoot cum over his six-pack. “Look what you did.”
“Look what you made me do.”
“I did that. Well, I was taught to clean up my messes.” She swallowed his cock, sucked on it, setting off tremors.
“Damn, Jac!” he breathed.
She moved up and licked across his abdomen, following a pearly white stream.
He quivered at her touch and caressed her as she sucked and lapped, cleaning him up.
Memories of days when they’d goof around with different sex play flooded her and she didn’t stop when there was nothing more to clean up. Licking, sucking his rock hard nipples, she felt his hand run over her body and reach under and grab a breast, mold it, pull on the tip, then he went lower and plunged into her pussy. “Ah,” she moaned and moved against him.
A hand massaged her foot and she sat back on her heels, checking herself to be sure she stayed within the realm of the game until such time it was an agreeable change. She ran her tongue over her lips.
“Wow, best dinner I’ve ever had. Thanks, guys.” She got to her feet. “Rest up, you’ll need it,” Jackie told them as she began to clean up the food mess.
“Haven’t you figured out who your husband is yet?”
“Why? Not having fun, boys?” she asked as she removed the tablecloth, picked up her clothes, and put them in the laundry room. “Bored with your sex toys?”
“Man, if I could move…”
“Same here-she drained me.”
Jackie ignored them and started to wash up the dishes. When she finished and had everything wiped down, she grabbed the mop and bucket with the intention of mopping the floor. “You’d better not be sleeping over there?”
“No, resting up.”
“Go shower, I need to mop,” she said as she let water run in the bucket.
“I think I’m stuck to the floor.”
She started on the sink side of the kitchen and worked her way over to them. She nudged their bodies with her mop. They didn’t budge.
“Human floor decor would make an interesting conversation piece come Thanksgiving.” She mopped around them. “Not quite sure Aunt Edna’s heart could handle such modern art. However, I’m sure Uncle Fred would put his off-color humor to work.” She held out a hand to Lenny. “On the other hand, you might expel an offensive odor by then.” He grabbed onto her wrist and she yanked him up.