Elizabeth I, queen of England 902, 903
Embriaco, Genoese family, rulers of Gibelet/Jubail 181, 198, 728–9, 732
Emeric, king of Hungary 510, 527, 626
Emich, count of Flonheim 80, 95–6, 100–105, 108
Engelbert of Tournai 155
England, kingdom of 18–20, 205, 206, 395–7
English 61, 140, 153, 308–17, 336, 395–6, 623–5, 708–9, 744–5, 786–7, 788, 820
Enrico Dandolo, doge of Venice 512, 513, 515, 526–33, 542, 550–51, 555
Ephesus 325–6
Ephraim, rabbi of Bonn 106, 283–4
Erard of Valery, crusader 814
Erdmann, Carl 35, 68
Eric I, king of Denmark 251
Eric IV, king of Denmark 696
Eric IX, king of Sweden and saint 697, 908
Eric XI, king of Sweden 697
Erlembald of Milan 47
Esbern, brother of Absolon, archbishop of Lund 681
Eskil, archbishop of Lund 305
Estonia 677, 681, 682, 685, 688–9, 692, 693, 694–6, 698, 705–6
Etampes, assembly at (1147) 276, 290, 291
Eugenius III, pope 260, 273–5, 281, 289, 293, 304, 318, 336, 337, 665
Eusebius of Caesarea 33
Eustace III, count of Boulogne 59, 108–9, 116, 207
Eustace Garnier, lord of Caesarea and Sidon 220
Everard III of Le Puiset, viscount of Chartres 249
Everard of Barres, Templar 327
Evesham, battle of (1265) 896, 908
Excalibur, sword 451
Fakhr al-Din, Egyptian emir and diplomat 745–6, 749, 753, 787–8, 789, 790, 792
Fellin 685
Ferdinand I, king of Leon-Castile 658–9
Ferdinand II, king of Aragon 671, 910, 914
Ferdinand III, king of Leon-Castile 670, 908
Field of Blood, battle of (1119) 187, 191, 265, 271, 371
finance 27, 76, 78, 85–6, 103, 108, 116, 139, 149, 179, 276–7, 290, 297–8, 331, 389–99, 418, 423–4, 432–7, 441, 444, 450, 452, 483, 485, 487, 489–90, 498–9, 503–8, 512–14, 517, 525–8, 533, 540, 546–7, 553, 586, 607, 616–17, 631–2, 722–3, 736, 742–5, 757–8, 763–4, 765, 769, 777–82, 798, 807, 808–9, 813, 828, 899–900
Finland 685, 697–8
Firuz of Antioch 114, 142
Flanders, county of, Flemish 17, 62, 64, 67, 72, 82, 308–17, 453
Florence, General Council of the Church at (1439) 849–50, 862
Folkwin, master of Swordbrothers of Livonia 693
France, kingdom of 15–18, 42
Francis I, king of France 873
Francis of Assisi 630, 638
Franciscans, Order of Friars Minor 487, 705, 756, 777, 826
Franco, Francisco, General, dictator 673
Frankfurt, Diet of (1147) 288, 292–3, 304, 305, 489, 679
Frederick, duke of Swabia 398, 426, 427–30
Frederick I Barbarossa, duke of Swabia, king of Germany, emperor 245, 288, 293, 335, 342, 377, 389, 394, 397–8, 434, 439, 537
on Third Crusade 403, 409, 413, 414, 417–28, 430, 431, 550
Frederick II, king of Germany and Sicily, emperor 493, 606–7, 612, 615, 616, 625, 626, 627, 630, 632, 633, 641, 643, 644, 646, 647–8, 699–700, 704, 716, 724, 725–6, 736, 756, 760, 765, 768, 780, 785, 897–8
his crusade 736, 738–55
Frederick III, king of Germany, emperor 865
Frederick von Hausen 426
Frisia, Frisians 82, 398, 412, 636
Froissart, John, poet and chronicler 856, 857
Fulcher, brother of the vidame of Chartres 95, 109
Fulcher of Chartres, chronicler 86, 106–7, 134, 161, 177, 181, 202, 214–15, 222, 227, 240, 258
Fulk, patriarch of Jerusalem 167, 330
Fulk V, count of Anjou, king of Jerusalem 188, 195, 197, 206–8, 220, 230, 249, 252, 254, 256, 258, 259. 264, 268, 330
Fulk of Guines 221
Fulk of Marseilles, bishop of Toulouse 575, 577, 585
Fulk Nerra, count of Anjou 43, 252
Fulk of Neuilly, evangelist 497–500, 502, 503–4, 508, 588, 615
Fulk le Rechin (the Sour), count of Anjou 63, 72
Gaimar, poet 246
Galilee, principality of 178, 179, 197, 205, 220, 221, 355
Gaston, bishop of Cahors 63, 73
Gaston IV, viscount of Bearn, engineer 155
Gaza, battle of (1239) 766, 767, 768
Gelasius II, pope 250
Genghis Khan 641
Genoa, Genoese 55, 85, 155, 156, 170, 179–81, 197, 198, 238, 304, 316, 389, 402, 424, 433, 437, 440, 441, 450, 461, 465, 511, 513, 516, 619, 631, 665, 718, 726, 727–8, 738, 780–81, 787, 789, 796, 808, 817, 837, 838, 845, 847, 851, 852–3, 914
Geoffrey, abbot of Vendome 64, 74
Geoffrey, count of Anjou 195, 207
Geoffrey of Asch 231–2
Geoffrey Chaucer and his Knight 708, 833, 905
Geoffrey FitzPeter, English justiciar 395, 485
Geoffrey of Lusignan 403, 454
Geoffrey of Monmouth, writer 250
Geoffrey of Rancon 294, 295, 326
Geoffrey of Sergines,
Geoffrey of Signes 27
Geoffrey of Thoisy 859, 861
Geoffrey of Villehardouin, crusader and chronicler 495, 498, 499, 504, 505, 510–11, 514, 516, 517–20, 525– 33, 535, 542–3, 551–2, 556
George, count of Weid 627–8
George Brancovic, ruler of Serbia 862
George Dozsa, crusader rebel 882