xlink:href='#calibre_link-2288'>479–81, 481

Kruglov family, 253

Krupskaia, Nadezhda, 4, 22, 27, 227, 232

Kruzhkov, Vladimir, 520

Kuibyshev government evacuated to (1941), 392

hydro-electric station, 468

informers, 258‘kulak operation’ (1937–8), 234, 240, 283, 338


arrests, 112, 113

banned from front-line service, 355

barred from Pioneers/ Komsomol, 26, 142

campaign against, 34, 79– 81, 82, 84–93, 479, 480–81

children of, 90, 99, 131–2, 142–7, 353, 436, 479, 480–81, 656

exclusion, 142

exiled, 82, 85, 87–91, 93, 94, 95, 99–106, 112, 113

industry of, 86, 96

‘malicious’, 82, 87, 88

‘reforging’, 118, 193, 194, 211, 212, 213, 215, 353

returning, arrest and execution (1937–8), 240

runaway, 105, 106– 8

as ‘rural bourgeoisie’, 51, 73, 86

social exclusion, 136, 137

use of term, 78n, 86

wartime conscription, 424–5

Kurgan region, 88, 103

Kurin, Leonid, 416

Kursk, 637

battle (1943), 421

post-war gender imbalance, 457

Kuzmin, Kolia, 79, 80, 81, 94–5, 96, 586

Kuznetsov, Aleksei, 466

labour army, 5, 355, 423–5, 467, 526

labour camps, 112–18

children’s homes in, 363, 364, 599–600

conditions, 100, 106, 110, 114–15, 118, 357, 362, 516–17, 530, 532–3

correspondence, 142, 203, 218, 220–22, 224–6, 278, 311, 322, 359, 360–61, 368

as economic venture, 117–18, 208, 423, 425–31, 576

effect on prisoners, 553–60, 563, 571–2

friendships, 565–72

guards, 468, 629– 32

knowledge of, 438

legal justification for, 206

‘malicious kulaks’ sent to, 82, 87, 88

marriages, 566–71

material rewards, 196, 468, 470

mortality, 218, 426

murders (1937–8), 234

patriotic pride, 447

penal, 113–15

population growth, 113, 208, 234

prisoners released, 535–7, 538, 540, 542,

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