Shall torchlike burn your El Dorado. Vengeance is mine. I will repay.


* * *

Цветок, что я тебе принес, Печаль, что каждому видна, И крупные улики слез — Весь этот стыд я пью до дна. Как Альберик любовь отдал, Страсть к золоту сильней ценя, Так ты за низменный металл, Не дрогнув, предала меня. Смотри же! Рдяный мой цветок, Отброшенный, как сор, как хлам, — Спалит ваш золотой чертог! Отмщенье мне — и аз воздам.



(Air: 'Mr Dooley')

Who is the man when all the gallant nations run to war Goes home to have his dinner by the very first cablecar And as he eats his cantaloups contorts himself in mirth To read the blatant bulletins of the rulers of the earth?                 It's Mr Dooley,                 Mr Dooley,                 The coolest chap our country ever knew                 'They are out to collar                 The dime and dollar'                  Says Mr Dooley-ooley-ooley-oo. Who is the funny fellow who declines to go to church Since pope and priest and parson left the poor man in the lurch And taught their flocks the only way to save all human souls Was piercing human bodies through with dumdum bulletholes?                 It's Mr Dooley,                 Mr Dooley,                 The mildest man our country ever knew                 'Who will release us                 From Jingo Jesus?'                  Prays Mr Dooley-ooley-ooley-oo. Who is the meek philosopher who doesn't care a damn About the yellow peril or problem of Siam And disbelieves that British Tar is water from life's fount And will not gulp the gospel of the German on the Mount?                 It's Mr Dooley,                 Mr Dooley,                 The broadest brain our countiy ever knew                 'The curse of Moses                 On both your houses'                 Cries Mr Dooley-ooley-ooley-oo. Who is the cheerful imbecile who lights his long chibouk With pages of the pandect, penal code and Doomsday Book
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