That whenever a March-wind sighsHe sets the jewel-print of your feetIn violets blue as your eyes,To the woody hollows in which we meetAnd the valleys of Paradise.VIIIThe slender acacia would not shakeOne long milk-bloom on the tree;The white lake-blossom fell into the lakeAs the pimpernel dozed on the lea;But the rose was awake all night for your sake,Knowing your promise to me;The lilies and roses were all awake,They sigh’d for the dawn and thee.IXQueen rose of the rosebud garden of girls,Come hither, the dances are done,In gloss of satin and glimmer of pearls,Queen lily and rose in one;Shine out, little head, sunning over with curls,To the flowers, and be their sun.XThere has fallen a splendid tearFrom the passion-flower at the gate.She is coming, my dove, my dear;She is coming, my life, my fate;The red rose cries, ‘She is near, she is near;’And the white rose weeps, ‘She is late;’The larkspur listens, ‘I hear, I hear;’And the lily whispers, ‘I wait.’XIShe is coming, my own, my sweet;Were it ever so airy a tread,My heart would hear her and beat,Were it earth in an earthy bed;My dust would hear her and beat,Had I lain for a century dead;Would start and tremble under her feet,And blossom in purple and red.
IВыйди в сад поскорее, Мод!Уже ночь — летучая мышь —Улетела в свой черный грот;Поздно спать; неужели ты спишь?Роза мускусная цветет,И луна глядит из-за крыш.IIВидишь, стало в саду светать,И звезда любви в вышинеНачинает меркнуть и угасатьНа заре, как свеча в окне, —И в объятиях солнечных исчезать,Тая в нежном его огне.IIIДо утра со скрипкой спорил гобой,Хрипло жаловался фагот,И мелькали вместе и вразнобойТени в окнах — ночь напролет;Тишина настала лишь пред зарей,С первой россыпью птичьих нот.IVИ сказал я лилии: «Лишь с одним