someone his age. I'll have to hold his cock for fear that it would grow soft again from the heat of passion! Poor man! He has an obese wife who doesn't satisfy him anymore and the old bastard sees himself as a Don Juan with young girls!”
Edward, lost in the thought of the desired event, let himself be soothed by the sweet intoxication of evening. Feeling his desirable companion walking by his side, breathing a subtle perfume that came from the woman's body, the old man was overcome by dreams of youth. He had the impression that he had returned to the time of his adolescence. And the night that covered the city with its gloomy cloak was like a luminescence to the old man.
He was ashamed of having become what he was: an old, tired libertine, used up by debauchery and interminable orgies.
What seemed especially wonderful to him on this evening when his strength was revivified by the scents that saturated the atmosphere, was to remember the first day he had met his wife.
But forty years ago she had been pretty, just like Danielle, and if…
He stopped dreaming.
The page of the book of life was closed and nothing could reopen it. He dared to put his arm under the young girl's and she did not protest.
They gradually moved closer. The night made them feel young and strong.
It was no longer the old man with the wrinkled face and the body filled with desire, nor Danielle with an already soiled past.
No! Two bodies were attracting one another! An unknown wave magnetized them.
The dinner at the inn was shortened by a common incident. The young girl felt ill and wanted to go home. Naturally, Edward Dupont accompanied her.
She thanked him and was going to send him away when he implored:
“One small moment! Just a little moment! I swear that I'll leave then!”
She didn't insist and let him enter her apartment.
Tired and nervous, she stretched out on the bed and asked him for a glass of water with an aspirin.
“Well,” murmured the old man, “here I had promised an exciting evening and the poor child is ill! I hope this doesn't last!”
He brought the medicine and carried it to the bed. She sat up and thanked him.
“Be nice, papa, and maybe I'll give you a little kiss!”
He watched her drinking the water. He was dying of love.
Sitting on an armchair, he crossed and uncrossed his legs, excited to the highest degree.
“When you've finished shaking like an eel, perhaps you'll put out the light and turn on this little nightlamp.”
As he stumbled around looking for it, she pointed to it on the nighttable.
“Don't be so nervous and stop trembling or you'll break it!”
The old man executed the beautiful child's orders and came over to her. He sat down very carefully on the edge of the bed.
The room had taken on an intimate appearance. Several chairs projected their shadows in the corners and the window with the drawn curtains was drowned in opacity.
“Undo my dress. I don't feel comfortable.”
He didn't have to be told twice, but he was so clumsy that he tore it a little.
“Oh, that's just great! If you continue like this, I'll see you to the door, grandfather!”
She liked lashing at him with words that recalled his age, but he was as docile as a child and accepted everything.
His fingers clung to the young woman as he undressed her scented body and the bestial desire of his senility began to rise, supplanting his reasonable faculties.
Danielle was half naked!
She had kept her bra on, which clung to her beautiful chest, and the red panties she was wearing hadn't been removed yet.
The old man contemplated her ecstatically. He couldn't take his eyes away from that female body he felt he would soon be able to possess.
She moved closer to the man and placed a tiny kiss on his lips then withdrew immediately. He put out his arms trying to reach for that desired body. Oh, how far was Mrs. Dupont's huge body from his mind!
Everything disappeared in the exaltation of his suddenly awakened virility which was ready to accomplish its role. The young girl stretched out on the bed and, taking the old man's hand, she placed it on her firm, soft thigh.
He had reached such a degree of unconsciousness, that his eyes were drowned in passion and could see only the gaping orifice of the cunt he wished to fill with the small amount of semen that he still possessed.
“If you want to sleep with me, I have to tell you that my apartment is very expensive and that I don't work for my aunt anymore as you know…”
He understood and, without another word, he took out his wallet and gave a roll of bills to the young girl.
“You will have this much and more if you're nice to me.”
“Come on, my big daddy, show your little friend what you can do!”
What he could do… dear God!
Edward Dupont, accountant by trade, tried to prove it to her and this is what happened:
He quickly took off his shoes and unbuttoned his pants, which he draped over a chair. Then, having also removed his shirt, he appeared in all the superb nudity of an old lover.
He slid an avid tongue into the ardent girl's mouth, then explored the part hidden by the panties, which he lowered almost immediately. She had automatically seized the warm prick, which she handled with dexterity.
The bed groaned under the weight of the two bodies.
Then, grabbing his cock, which was all warm like a salami that comes out of the butcher's kitchen, the man with the pig's eyes moved it into the den of passion with short blows.
Danielle was surprised by the old man's vigor and opened her legs wider so he could penetrate her more deeply. While he tried to struggle against that fleshy mass, she lifted her buttocks slightly and began to agitate her ass in a more and more accelerated rotation.
Edward was going to come in a charming way. Fatigued by the position they were in, the two bodies moved together for a few more minutes, but gradually the movements stopped.
The struggle had been passionate but their abdomens had been moistened by a warm, sticky liquid. The night finished peacefully for the old man who fell asleep immediately. He didn't touch her again that night and for a good reason!
In the morning they parted good friends, making a date for two days later.
She went to spend the money he had given her and to calculate what she would do with the money he would give her in the future. He went off, remembering the prowess of his young years, to be sworn at by the old woman who must have been waiting for him with some charming words on the tip of her tongue. But he had a story all ready about a childhood friend he had met on the street.
He walked home breathing the morning air. Ah, how beautiful life was! He still felt a languor and was enjoying the future pleasures in his mind.
“Darling whore,” he thought, “and what a body!”
But time passed with a disconcerting speed.
Danielle had to realize that her affairs had already marked her skin with an indelible imprint. When she looked at herself in the mirror, she no longer felt the satisfaction of possessing an irreproachable body.
Her skin, which had been handled by so many avid lovers, gradually submitted to a slow weakening at first, but one that grew more and more considerable from day to day. It was already beginning to have wrinkles, and her