warm inflection in his voice that made the young woman stop.

She wanted to put on an act so she took a hanky out of her purse. A brief sound broke the silence of the street then stopped immediately. She had just blown her nose!

The man advanced and was soon in front of the woman.

“Oh, miss! Are you looking for something? You seem lost here! Can I be of any assistance?”

And, since she didn't answer, he added:

“It seems funny to you to be approached by a stranger, doesn't it? Perhaps your mother is looking for you somewhere?”

Irritated by his humorous tone, Danielle moved closer.

“You're impertinent, sir! Do you think I need a nurse?”

“I like this better! I was thinking that a young woman wandering in the night must know what existence is. May I accompany you?”

“No! Don't say anything! We're going in the same direction!”

They walked together. She looked at the man who was walking at her side and smiled to herself, thinking: Well! One of those excited males in quest of good fortune! But he'll be just like the others. A few blows, panting, a spasm that will overcome both of us… yes, and afterward?

But it was simple:

Undressing, dressing, water, soap, the “see you, dear!” the “it was good, wasn't it,” and then the “if only I had known you sooner,” with a little regret that quickly passed, and always the same cunt opening, the receptacle that would receive the human seed.

That was all! Little satisfaction to people who desire something more!

Sometimes you have to know how to be content with a little. That's what these two people were thinking to themselves, people who had not known each other a quarter hour earlier and who were thinking only of the logical outcome of their meeting.

The narrator has great difficulty at times not repeating himself and trying the reader's patience. Wouldn't it be better when one is writing a novel to begin it and finish it something like this:

“They met, embraced, undressed, fucked, came, dressed, parted, and The End!”

The action would pass quickly and we would know immediately if the hero was a man or a mouse!

But, to return to our two walkers who were studying each other, we follow them step by step to their destiny!

Danielle still had her physical obsession, but this was beginning to be dulled, especially since her cunt no longer contracted, having been opened now by the passage of so many pricks.

“My name is Patrick… everyone will tell you that I am very gentle with women. I'm sure we'll understand each other very well. What's your name?”


“Tell me, Danielle, what would your reaction be if I offered to take you home with me?”

“With you? But I don't know you! What do you take me for?”

“Listen! When a woman is walking like you all alone in the evening, you don't have to be a genius to guess what she's after! Stop lying, will you!”

“I'm not going to play the prude with you! Let's go to your house! I accept. But I won't stay late.”

“Oh, who's waiting for you? A husband? Children?”

“No! No one is waiting for me! But I have a date with my double! You understand? I need to know myself, to know whether I still have the right to live like others, to hope for happiness, to…”

“You tell me this, but that isn't what I proposed! I'm not a consoler…!”

“Forgive me! I was talking to you the way I often do when I'm alone!”

They continued their walk in the night. The man, already assured of his possession, had taken the young woman's arm. She said nothing.

She was simply trying to get excited, to imagine her thighs opened, with this other body on her warm body, weighing on her and desiring her.

She thought of that hard cock which would push brutally between her cunt walls and which she would feel deep inside her like a flag planted on foreign ground!

She thought that her body was going to be caressed, that her breasts would stiffen, that her belly would feel the trembling of pleasure and then, what excited her to the highest degree, was the memory of that warm liquid that would suddenly flow and which would inundate her completely!

They stood in front of a building whose disturbing silence penetrated them with its mystery.

They entered without making any noise, because he whispered:

“It's the owner, she sleeps poorly. The tiniest noise wakes her up.”

They went up the stairs that led to Patrick's little room. As soon as he was inside, the man put his arm around the girl's waist and kissed her passionately on the chest!

She moaned with joy and let herself fall backward.

He slid his hand under her dress and almost tore her stockings. Danielle closed her eyes at this familiar caress and shivered passionately.

Patrick, proud of the woman's passivity, undid her dress and bra. Then he laid her down on the bed where she stretched out on her back, already opening her thighs. He didn't lose a moment!

He quickly dropped his pants, removed his shoes and without bothering to take off his shirt, ran to the body that was offering itself to his possession.

He lowered her panties and threw them on a chair. Then, without taking time to make himself comfortable, he lay on top of the satiny abdomen and readied himself to penetrate her. Suddenly he stopped and seemed indecisive.

What had happened to him?

He had the humid cavity right under him! All he had to do was gently enter the young woman who was beginning to moan with throaty sighs!

But the action he was about to perform seemed to demand something else besides this momentary exaltation. He had noticed that his partner was trying to use autosuggestion to experience what her gaping cunt needed.

Danielle was determined to feel pleasure and seemed to have become remarkably passive, although she had lost her desire. It seemed as though she would never experience new sensations again!

What did these bodies need so that they would be unanimous in proclaiming their passion in the final spasm?

Patrick was one of those people devoid of scruples who considered the human female to be the vessel of passing pleasure. So, when he saw one of them, inert and holding up her body to receive his semen without deigning to participate in her humble role, he felt an irritability that transported him into a terrifying anger.

“I have the feeling that you don't like this very much,” he said. “What do you need to feel something? A slap, perhaps!”

The young woman didn't seem disposed to allow these sentiments to continue. Even in this advantageous position, she was thinking of those males who had fucked her before! And what was any better about this one? If he could see himself, the bastard, with his cock that he's trying to get in. No, what he wants is to empty his balls. Then he'll give me a disgusted look!

Suddenly Patrick, seeing the state Danielle was in, having no reaction to his caresses, slapped her with all his strength and reddened her cheek! She tried to sit up and get her clothes, not having expected such a demonstration.

“Brute!” she shouted. “Is that what you call love! You don't know me and you hit me as if I've done something!”

“But you didn't do anything! That's why I wanted to stimulate your blood!”

Then, as if pushed by a blindness or an instinctive force which didn't give him time to think, the man began hitting the woman's body.

She gripped his hand to push him away and, grabbing the arm that was around her, she tried to pull it away to escape the man. Her body was turning red and her eyes were wide open, astonished by this unexpected attack, blinking at the passage of the hand that was beating her with such unbelievable savageness!

Вы читаете Danielle and Uncle Armand
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