obsession that was to carry them to the summit of unknown sensations.

Gradually the atmosphere in the room impregnated them with a luxurious languor. The perfumes of the flowers saturated the air with an oriental torpor. It seemed as though the two ardent young women with their bodies that demanded only the accomplishment of a brief but joyous destiny, would have to be joined together so that there would remain nothing but the passion of their blossoming.

“Sit down, Annie! Aren't we like two sisters who are happy to be together again?”

And, as she said this, the young woman gently drew Annie to the bed in order to reveal to her what her cunt had demanded since their meeting.

Putting her arms around the young girls waist and caressing her silky hair, Danielle gradually began to bring the virgin's body closer to her own body which had been touched by innumerable lovers.

Annie, who was slightly tired and overcome by the effect of the scene, sat down next to the young woman and let her kiss her without seeming in the least bit disturbed by it. The older woman excited her! A heavy odor came from the young girl's dress. Her lips, which were ready to bear the weight of the most passionate kisses, opened like a corolla to the dawn dew and awaited the brutal touch of a body that would bruise them with its love venom.

“Put your arms around me too, my little Annie, and tell me what you would like to know!”

The child didn't answer but, raising her burning eyes, she gave her companion a chaste little kiss as Danielle pulled her even closer.

“Don't you think it's warm in here?” asked Danielle. “You can get comfortable, and if you like, since we're two big sisters, we could stretch out and tell each other stories!”

The young woman's trembling hand rested on the little maid's short thighs and moved farther when she noticed a pink cloud coloring the girl's cheeks.

Gradually her hand slid under the dress and rose along that garden of delights whose fruits had never lost their flowers. She stopped in the secret place where passion resides.

Annie let her do all this with the unconsciousness of a little girl who did not know any of life's realities. Suddenly the young girl felt a firm finger gently penetrate the edges of her intimate parts.

And, at the same time, a greedy mouth sought hers and she could not defend herself when she felt those lips pressing against hers and moistening her with a delicious saliva.

Then, sensing that the young girl was being filled with a state of euphoria, Danielle made her stretch out on the bed and put her thigh between the legs which no longer refused her anything.

“My dear Annie, are you comfortable like this? Oh, if you knew… isn't it delicious to be together far from the noise of the city! Together! Like two sisters… like two friendly companions! Do you love me a little, little girl?”

“Oh yes, Miss Danielle! But what we're doing isn't right! Why are you lying like that? You're very heavy!”

“It's nothing, child! Who can see us? Anyway, don't we have the right to do as we wish? Do we have to report to anyone?”

“No, of course not! But this is the first time I've been with you and I'm a little frightened!”

“Frightened? Of what? We're alone in this room!”

But it was time to act!

Actually, the slow excitation could only incite them to delicious activities on that languid bed where old Edward's seed had flowed, and the bed still had the fetid odor of the accountant who came there only to satisfy his senile lust.

With chaste kisses on Annie's forehead, Danielle tried to conquer a resistance she saw coming. Annie was feeling a slow torpor rising from her abdomen, her breasts, and her wide, soft ass.

Then, sensing this beatitude in the little girl, Danielle put her amorous tongue between the warm lips and withdrew it immediately, then returned it again, all impregnated with saliva.

“Try to copy me, Annie! Isn't this kissing marvelous?”

The young maid was choking with that tongue obstructing her palate, but she wanted to follow the older girl's example and she gently mingled her tongue with the other's.

“I'm going to undress you, Annie! That way we'll feel cooler and you'll see how good it will feel.”

And with precise movements, she slowly unbuttoned the girl's dress and placed one of her hands on a firm and round breast. It contracted nervously at the contact and its circumference increased even more.

The initiate of Sappho manipulated the rosy tip which stiffened, and suddenly a flush of blood reddened the young girl's face which was pressed with confidence against Danielle's avid mouth.

Then the other hand slid toward the silky place and caressed her abdomen, which seemed to be trying to open in order to quench the lesbian's thirst.

The two companion's changed position so that they were now lying one at the head, the other at the foot of the bed. Sensing the scene that was going to follow, Annie separated her legs when she felt a pleasant sensation run through her intimate place.

These two bodies stretched out in a voluptuous pose had no need for a masculine cock to carry them to the kingdom of assuaged desires. At this moment they seemed to be in full control of their instincts. Annie was no longer afraid.

Not only did she cling to the other woman's white chest with all her strength, but now it was she who wanted to play this new game, she who was scraping the woman's breasts with the tip of her long tongue.

They were both acting as if the knowledge of their cunts had never amused them before. Their bodies were now saturated with an aromatic vapor, mingled with the scent of the multicolored bouquets, and it gave them an indescribable intoxication.

Suddenly making a considerable effort to stiffen their muscles, the two bodies grew taut for a few seconds as they each experienced the final spasm, then fell back on the bed with a dull sound.

“For all your airs of a little saint, you're quite a whore, Annie! You were quick to understand where pleasure comes from. Well, are you happy with your new friend? You made me feel a marvelous sensation, do you understand? Marvelous…!”

The child didn't answer as she regained her breath, but her hand imprisoned the young woman's alabaster globe and her head, which had grown heavy with fatigue, nuzzled against her shoulder.

She closed her eyes and fell asleep. The night descended over the city with its mysterious cloak.


Since the revelation of her sexual destiny, Danielle had sought sensations that were more and more unusual.

What had these aberrant vices brought her which threw her into the arms of young men, an old libertine, and on the thirsty body of a fifteen-year-old virgin whom she had initiated into the Sapphic passions? Nothing except the inextinguishable thirst of her cunt which demanded the unknown to satisfy it.

In her apartment where she received old Edward, who fucked her with all the skill of an old libertine overwhelmed by those gaping cavities into which he plunged his wrinkled cock, she began to dream of sunlit days in charming countries where she might have been able to live and love the beauty of life.

One evening she was so sad, so alone, having realized the uselessness of her existence, that moved by an irresistible desire to search for something she needed, she went out, wrapped up in warm clothes.

The air was cool and she wandered aimlessly through unknown streets, marching straight ahead, lost in morose thoughts. A dense fog obscured her view. At times, other pedestrians brushed past her, wondering where this solitary young woman could be going.

She was still walking, but with a hopeless lowness, without imagining where this nocturnal walk could be leading her.

The city in its night cloak dulled every noise, and even though the humans huddled in their houses were performing their eternally identical occupations, there were still people here and there like herself, alone and without a goal, going towards the unknown in the darkness of the passing hours.

Danielle came out on a little square and there she saw a man's silhouette. He seemed to be waiting by a streetlamp. He was smoking a cigarette. As soon as he noticed the walker in the fog, he called her gently with a

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