“We can watch from this window,” Thelma said. “Kneel down and be quiet.”

Billie looked in and could hardly believe her eyes. There, in one end of the dank basement, was a sensuously beautiful room. The carpeting was thick and soft; the drapes suspended on the four walls were of a warm material that appeared to be silk. The ceiling had been left untouched, but one didn’t look at the ceiling. The bed in one corner drew prime attention. Its covering was violet, and a bouquet of fresh roses was on a table at the head of the bed.

And there was something else on the table a rubber cock with a harness attachment.

“Know what that’s for?”

“I know,” Billie said, keeping her face a mask. “This is silly. I’m leaving.”

She took two steps toward the narrow exit, but Thelma’s hand gripped her arm. “You can’t.”

Billie heard it at the same instant the sound of approaching footsteps. They were very close. Then the door to the room opened, and someone entered. Billie couldn’t see who it was, but she could hear someone undressing. Then she saw a naked body approach the bed and gasped.

It was Marilyn Carr, one of her teachers. But she looked like anything but a teacher now. Her golden hair had been loosened, hanging low over her shoulders. She was completely naked except for a garter belt and stockings, her body revealed in all its glory. She raised a slim, gorgeous leg and put her foot on the edge of the bed.

Billie hadn’t liked the woman from the first day she had met her, but she had to admit that Marilyn Carr did have a fascinating body. There was more to it than mere golden perfection. It exuded a sexual magnetism that was like a glow.

New footsteps sounded and Billie saw the teacher’s eyes light up. A faint smile played on her soft, sensuous lips as she turned and moved out of view.

Billie wished fervently that she was out of this mess. But so long as she was in it, she couldn’t close her senses to what was going on, couldn’t block her eyes and ears.

“I’m glad you came, darling.”

“I wasn’t sure if I should.”

Billie placed the voice instantly. It was Marcia Tompkins, the quiet girl Billie had met the first day in class. She then remembered the look that had passed between her and the teacher. It seemed that they had recognized something in each other instantly.

“You do want to join the Lovers… don’t you, Marcia?”

“Yes, I do.”

“Then, come… sit with me on the bed.”

The teacher’s arm went around the girl’s shoulder. She was wearing a robe that she had evidently gotten from somewhere behind the drapes.

“You’ll like the Lovers, Marcia… both the boys and the girls.”

The woman turned the girl’s beautiful face to her own. She looked deeply and quietly into her eyes. Then, slowly, carefully, as though fearful of frightening her she drew the uncertain girl into her arms and captured her lips. The kiss lasted a long time. Then she folded her closer and turned her body so that the girl lay in her arms. Marcia responded, raising her arms and putting them around the older woman.

Marilyn ended the kiss. “Was that so very terrible, my darling.”

“No,” Marcia murmured into the soft, beautiful breast. “It was lovely.”

Smiling down at the girl in calm triumph, Marilyn drew her robe back and Marcia’s mouth was against her bare breast.

The older woman allowed, the girl to press her lips into the lush softness for a time. Then she turned again and laid Marcia on the bed.

“Let me undress you, darling.”

Marcia wore a sweater and skirt. Marilyn unzipped the skirt and pulled it down over the younger girl’s hips. She smiled down at her and ran her hands over the sweater, drawing it upward.

“Raise up, dear.”

Marcia obediently lifted herself and allowed the beautiful blonde to continue stripping her. Now she had on only panties and a bra.

Billie thought she could see Marcia’s long slim legs trembling as Marilyn bent over and kissed her again. The older woman unhooked the bra at the same time and removed it. Then she opened her robe and took Marcia into her arms. Marcia’s thigh muscles jerked at the contact; her arms went slowly around the woman above her. The muscles of her ankles tensed, then her feet slowly moved apart. Her knees went higher, her hips lifted.

Then her panties and bra were on the floor. Marilyn suddenly threw calm and caution to the winds. She tore the robe off and buried her face between Marcia’s lush breasts.

Billie could see then that the two cunts were locked together, frantically rubbing against each other.

“Oh darling, love me! Love me with your mind and your body… I need love so badly!”

Marcia’s arm went around the older woman. Strangely, she took command of the lovemaking. She rolled the teacher over on her back, reaching hungrily for her breast. The golden-haired beauty’s eyes glowed with pleasure and lust.

Then Marcia was wildly ramming her fingers in and out of Marilyn’s blonde-ringed pussy. The woman was going out of her mind with delight.

“Ohhhhh… yes, shit yes,” she groaned, twisting her hips and flailing her head from side to side.

Stimulated by her words, Marcia slipped from the bed to the floor. She crouched on her knees with her head between Marilyn’s wide-spread thighs. The teacher’s cunt was glistening with juice.

Marcia stuck out her tongue, teasingly, and licked her clitoris as she continued to ram three fingers into Marilyn’s cunt hole.

The thick aroma of the teacher’s cunt wafted across the room, filling both Thelma’s and Billie’s nostrils.

“Jesus… eatin’ pussy is not exactly my bag,” Thelma whispered, “but those two cunts have really got me turned on.”

Billie felt the same way, but she was not about to admit it. However, when she felt Thelma’s hand move between their bodies and find her pussy, she didn’t object.

“Mmmmmm your pussy is so good… so juicy,” Marcia said, rolling her head from side to side between the older woman’s thighs.

“Oh, yes… yes!” Marilyn urged her on. “Eat me… suck me! Stick your tongue on my cunt… drive me wild!”

Marcia pulled her fingers from the woman’s cunt and used both hands to spread the puffy lips wide apart. The damp, dark inner flesh of Marilyn’s cunt was laid bare to the girl’s tongue. Her whole body shook as Marcia jammed her tongue and her nose into the wet, elastic hole.

At the top of her sweetly shaped cunt, the hard little bud of her cut bobbed and glistened. It seemed to beckon to the younger girl.

“Now… now… my cunt… do it to my cunt!” Marilyn urged.

Marcia obliged willingly, grinding her chin into the cunt hole and her teeth against the knob of pleasure.

“Oooooohhhh,” Marilyn moaned loudly, her face contorted, turning from side to side as she lifted her cunt still higher for her lover’s consumption.

And then, suddenly, she screamed through a come, blasting her hot juices through her lower lips from the erupting well of her pussy.

Her body had barely stopped shaking when Marcia was off of her and strapping the big dildo around the teacher’s legs. The dildo was long and thick, with an enormous head.

“Now me… hurry, fuck me!” Marcia cried, slipping to the bed and raising her legs high in the air.

Marilyn fell between the girls spread legs and rammed half the huge cock into her cunt in one swift movement.

“Oh yes… Oh God, yes… all of it. Give me all of it… the whole fucking thing!”

A gasp erupted from Billie’s throat. “Jesus,” she said, “I can’t take anymore of this!”

“Me neither. C’mon,” Thelma replied, and tugged on her arm.

When they emerged, shaking, from the building, Thelma turned to her. “You’re hotter than hell, aren’t you?”

“Yeah,” Billie admitted.

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