“Want to come up to my room for a while? Like I say, that’s not my bag, but I’m hot!”

“I’d rather have a cock,” Billie said.

“That’s a little rough this time of night, around a girls’ school. That’s why we formed the Lovers. Still say you don’t want in?”

“I’ll think about it,” Billie said, moving away. “By the way,” she said, turning back to the big girl, “how does Marilyn Carr fit in?”

“She’s one of the two faculty people we pay off to keep the Lovers alive. They get first crack at any new pussy that wants in the Club.”

“Who’s the other one?” Billie asked.

“A man… that’s all I can tell you unless you want in,” Thelma replied.

“Like I said, I’ll let you know,” Billie said. “But I doubt it.”

She hurried a rummaging in her purse for Carl Morgan’s address.

“All right,” Billie said, standing before him in the living room of the tiny apartment. “You win… for now. I came to you.”

“What do I win?” he said.

“This,” she said, and raised her skirt to her waist. She knew the crotch and the front of her panties were already soaked with juice from her pussy.

“I was wondering when you’d get horny again.”

“Jesus, what kind of a nut are you? Are you made of iron? Don’t you want to make love to me?”

“No,” he replied, “but I’d like to fuck you.”

“Love… fuck… what’s the difference? Let’s do something!”

“All right.”

He took her by the hand and led her into the bedroom and took off her clothes.

She stood very still as he removed her dress and slip; she leaned forward as he unhooked the bra to free her firm, magnificent breasts. He was so close that she could feel his breath on her swelling tits. And yet he did not touch them. Instead, he slipped his fingers inside her panties and pulled them down. She stepped out of them nervously. The heavy mound of pubic hair around her pussy seemed to glisten and pulsate with excitement. She felt little ripples shoot through her taut buttocks and go directly to the hot spot of passion in her quivering cunt.

“For God’s sake!” she pleaded. “Do something to me! I want you to fuck me!”

He laughed out loud and stepped back. “In good time… all in good time. Don’t rush things so. One must remain in control. Nothing is done well in a hurry.”

“Some things are, you bastard!” she shrieked, unable to control her growing passion.

And then he removed his clothes and led her to the bed. He pulled her across it and held her firmly for several minutes, and then brought his mouth to hers. She pushed her tongue deep into his mouth and jabbed hard against his.

Then she pulled her head away and made him kiss her heaving breasts. She pulled his hands around her naked hips and tried to get him to grasp her ripe thighs and the glistening ass that yearned to be kneaded, pummeled, torn into harshly.

She pulled his head down to her flat, smooth belly and crushed it hard into her sweating navel with both hands; she bit madly at his neck and scratched at his back with her long fingernails. She could feel his breath now down in her pubic hair; she wished longingly that he would put his hand into her boiling, vibrating cunt.

But instead he only kissed gingerly at her heaving belly that arched up flat and hard against his face. He ran his tongue into her navel and made little jabbing strokes with it until she thought she was going to explode.

“Please, will you please…” she stammered.

“Be calm,” he answered blandly.

She began stroking his flanks, his fine-hard body fitting against hers. She found his balls and rolled them around between her fingers. Then she let her hand move up to the base of his big cock.

“Oh, God!” she groaned. It was massive, throbbing. She arched to have it plunge deep inside her that very second. Always before, with other men, she was able to set the pace of lovemaking, because they were always so hot for her. She could manipulate any aroused man until she was ready. But this man was different, and she didn’t understand it she felt herself despising him for punishing her so and at the same time she couldn’t keep from wanting him to crush down on her, to finish her, to defeat her.

“Oh, God! Will you do something! Pleeeeaassss!”

“No!” he barked, and tried to pull away.

She pinned him with her long legs and pulled him back until he was mashing hard against her again; she hunched upward with her pelvis against his expanding cock. She felt the blood-gorged tool against her thighs, the balls pressing into her waiting cunt. Roughly she pulled herself onto his body, bumping her wet thighs furiously against his belly, his chest.

“Go down on me,” she whimpered. “God, that sets me on fire. Please, eat me… eat my cunt!”

“No!” he barked again. And this time he seemed incensed. He flipped her body over and began kneading her taut, firm buttocks; he pressed and mashed and squeezed. It was painful, but in her near-hysteria it only served to arouse her even more.

“Yes! Hurt me!”

“Why?” he said. “Does that really turn you on? Baby, you’ve got some bad hang-ups!”

“I’ve got just one hang-up you bastard! I want that cock of yours!” she shrieked. “I want your fucking meat and that’s all I want from you! I just saw two cunts fucking each other in the basement of the Administration Building and it turned me on!”

“Why didn’t you join them?”

“Because all I could think about was your fucking cock, you bastard!”

“One was probably Marilyn Carr, wasn’t it?”

“Yeah,” Billie replied, amazed. “How did you know?”

“I know a lot of things,” he replied icily, a strange new set to his face. “And the other one was probably a tall brunette with gorgeous tits and a fantastic body.”

“Oh? Well, Louise is probably sucking some other cunt tonight then.”

Louise? Billie thought. Who’s Louise? And then she remembered the girl in the fight in the washroom. The one who had eaten Thelma.


But Billie couldn’t be bothered unraveling that mystery now. She wanted his hard cock and she wanted it now.

“Are you going to fuck me, or do I go out and walk the streets until I find somebody who will?”

“You really want a cock, don’t you?” he smiled.


He took her legs and pronged them high into the air. And then, taking dead aim, he rammed his throbbing cock into the creaming lips of her waiting cunt. There was only a momentary halt at the entrance and then he was diving deep into the wet channel, down through the hot cavern of her cunt.

She pushed upwards to engulf the welcome tool and felt it beat into her womb. Quickly she locked her legs around his middle and hunched for him, but he held her steady, and still had the mysterious smile on his face.

“Are you gonna fuck?” she cried.

“Like this, you mean? No beginning, no middle, no end? Is that all you know?”

“That’s all I want to know now, damn it! Come on, for God’s sake! You’re teasing my cunt to death!”

“Well, all right, baby, you asked for it!”

She had been grinding her syrupy thighs into him and pushing up feverishly with her cunt against the hard prick that had impaled her.

He began slowly pumping his cock up and down inside her pussy and she tried to match his rhythm, but she was way ahead of him. Slowly he ran his hands down her thighs and underneath her quivering ass. He cupped the

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