'Why are you frowning? Is it because I asked about your father or js it because he does have a strong heart?'

'Neither,' Caine answered. His attention turned to the physician. 'My father will begin to feel better

when Pagan's been taken care of. Revenge will be his healing balm.'

'No, Caine,' Jade answered. 'Justice will be his salvation.'

'In this instance, they are the same,' Caine argued.

The rigid set of his jaw indicated his displeasure. His stubbornness, too.

She wanted to shout at him. She thanked him instead. 'It was kind of you to bring me this compress.' She slapped the cold cloth against her temple. Then she turned to Sir Harwick. 'And thank you, sir, for tending to me. I feel ever so much better now.'

'It was my pleasure,' Sir Harwick replied. He stood, clasped her hand again, and added, 'As soon as you're feeling better, you must move in with the Duke and Duchess. I'm certain Caine's parents would

be more than happy to have you as their guest until you've fully recovered.'

His gaze turned to Caine. 'I shall, of course, keep this confidence. There won't be any unsavory gossip attached to this lovely lady.'

'What secret?' Jade asked, thoroughly puzzled. Sir Harwick was giving Caine such a piercing stare. It was unsettling.

'He's concerned about your reputation,' Caine said.

'Oh, that.' She let out a long sigh.

'She isn't overly concerned,' Caine said dryly.

Sir Harwick looked startled. 'Why, my dear, it simply isn't done. You shouldn't be all alone here with

an unattached man.'

'Yes, I suppose it isn't done,' she agreed.

'But you've been ill, my dear, and certainly haven't been able to think clearly. I don't fault you or Caine,' he added with a nod toward the Marquess. 'Your host has acted in good faith.'

'He has?' Jade asked.

'Most certainly,' Sir Harwick replied. 'There's a full staff in residence here. Still, the gossipers would have a holiday with this bit of news. Too many people would be hurt by the rumors. Caine's mother…'

'My stepmother,' Caine interjected.

'Yes, of course, your stepmother,' Harwick continued. 'She'd be hurt. As to that, his intended would

also be quite crushed.'

'His what?'

She really hadn't meant to raise her voice but Sir Harwick's casually given remark stunned her. She suddenly felt sick. The color all but drained from her face. 'Did you say Caine's intended?' she asked

in a scratchy whisper.

'Jade,' Caine began. 'I believe Sir Harwick is referring to Lady Aisely.'

'I see,' she replied. She forced a smile for the physician's benefit. 'Now I remember. Lady Aisely, the woman you're going to marry.' Her voice had risen to a near shrill by the time she'd finished.

She didn't even know this Aisely woman, but she already despised her. The longer she had to mull it over, the more infuriated she was with Caine. God's truth, she hated him, too.

'Lady Aisely wouldn't take the news of your visitation here lightly,' Sir Harwick predicted.

'She isn't my intended,' Caine interjected. 'She's my stepmother's intention for me,' he qualified. He couldn't keep the laughter out of his voice. Her reaction to hearing about Lady Aisely couldn't have

been more revealing. It told him she cared.

'But your dear stepmother is…'

'She's hell-bent on getting Lady Aisely and me together,' he interrupted. 'It isn't going to happen, Harwick.'

Jade could feel Caine's stare. She desperately tried to feign disinterest. She realized she was wringing

the compress in her hands and immediately stopped that telling action. 'Who you marry doesn't concern me,' she announced.

'It should.'

She shook her head. 'I just wish you'd mentioned your engagement before last night.'

'I'm not engaged,' he snapped. 'And last night would have…'

'Caine!' She shouted his name, then lowered her voice when she added, 'We have a guest, if you'll remember.'

Harwick let out a rich chuckle. He walked by Caine's side over to the door. 'I have a feeling about you two. Am I right?'

'Depends upon what the feeling is,' Caine answered.

'She's your intended, isn't she?'

'She is,' Caine replied. 'She just hasn't accepted it yet.'

The two men shared a grin. 'I can tell she's going to be difficult, my boy.'

'Difficult or not,' Caine countered, in a voice loud enough to wake the dead, 'she will be my wife.'

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