He stoked the fire in her until she was hot, wet, ready for him. His other arm held her around the waist. She tried to turn toward him, but he wouldn't let her move. 'Open up for me, Jade,' he whispered. 'Let me come to you.'

His knee nudged the back of her thighs until he was wedged between them.

'Tell me you want me,' he demanded.

She could feel the velvet tip of his sex. She bit on her lower lip to keep herself from shouting at him to quit his torment. 'Yes, I want you,' she whispered. 'Please, Caine. Now.'

It was all the surrender he needed. He gently pushed her onto her stomach, his hand splayed wide across her pelvis, and surged inside her with one powerful thrust. Her tight sheath gloved him, squeezed him. He almost spilled his seed then and there. Caine stilled his movements and took a deep breath. 'Easy love,' he whispered on a groan when she pushed up against him.

Her hands were making knots out of the sheets. Caine's hands joined hers. His head fell forward to rest

in the fragrant hollow between her neck and shoulder.

'Caine, I want…'

'I know,' he answered. He was determined to go slow this time, to prolong the sweet agony, but her insistent pleas drove him beyond control. He drove into her again and again, until he was mindless of everything but finding fulfillment for both of them. When he knew he was about to pour his seed into

her, his hand moved down her stomach. He stroked her into finding her own release.

Their climax was glorious. Caine collapsed on top of her. He was exhausted, and completely at peace. 'Love, are you still breathing?' he asked when his heart quit hammering in his ears.

He was teasing her, yet when she didn't answer him, he immediately moved away from her. 'Jade?'

She rolled over and looked at him. 'You made me beg '

'I what?'

'You made me beg.'

'Yes, I did, didn't I?' he answered with a wide grin.

'You aren't the least contrite,' she announced. Her fingertips caressed his warm chest. 'You're a rake,

all right. I don't understand why I find you so appealing.'

The dreamy, passionate look was still in her eyes. Caine kissed her forehead, the tip of her freckled nose, and then claimed her mouth for a long, wet, tongue-thrusting kiss. 'Do you want more, love?'

He didn't give her time to answer. 'I do,' he whispered in a low growl.

A long while later, the two lovers fell asleep wrapped in each other's arms.

Chapter Ten

The following eight days were magical for Jade. Caine was such a gentle, loving man. He was so considerate of her feelings, too, and had the uncanny knack of understanding her moods quicker than

she did. She liked their evenings most of all. Sterns would light a fire in the hearth in Caine's study, and the three of them would read in companionable silence.

Over the years, Sterns had actually become Caine's substitute father. Jade learned that the servant had been with Caine's family from the time of Caine's birth. When Caine established his own residence, Sterns had followed.

Sterns did let her know he was aware of the new sleeping arrangements. While she blushed with mortification, he announced that he certainly wasn't judgmental. He also added that he hadn't seen

Caine so carefree in a good long while. Jade, he decreed, had lightened the Marquess's mood.

A messenger arrived from Caine's mother, requesting his aid in pulling his father out of his present dire circumstances.

Caine immediately went to visit his father, but when he returned some two hours later, he was in a foul mood. His talk with his father had come to little good.

* * *

That night, after Caine had fallen asleep, Jade met with Matthew and Jimbo to give them new orders.

Matthew was waiting for her just a few feet behind the cover of the trees. The seaman was tall, reed thin, and had skin as dark as a panther's. He had the personality to match the magnificent beast, but only when he was riled. He also had an easy smile that could be quite dazzling when he was in the mood to give it.

Matthew wasn't smiling now. He had his arms crossed in front of his chest and was scowling at her just like a man who'd found a thief rummaging through his drawers.

'Why are you frowning so, Matthew?' she asked in a bare whisper.

'I saw Him standing at the window with you the other night, girl,' Matthew grumbled. 'Has that dandy been touching you?'

Jade didn't want to lie, but she wasn't about to share the truth with her trusted friend, either. 'I was injured,' she replied. 'Now don't give me that look, Matthew. I took a pistol shot in my side. It was a paltry wound. Caine was… concerned and he stayed in my chambers that night, watching out for me.'

'Black Harry's going to feed my arse to the sharks when he hears…'

'Matthew, you aren't going to tell Harry anything,' she interjected.

The seaman wasn't at all intimidated by her angry tone. 'You got yourself a sassy mouth,' he replied.

'I seen the fancy man put his arm around you when you were walking to the front door that first day,

and I will be telling Harry. That's a fact you can start cringing over now. Jimbo wanted to put a knife in his

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