The door slammed shut on her shout of denial. Jade threw the compress across the room and collapsed against the pillows. She gritted her teeth in frustration.

Why did she care who he married? As soon as Nathan returned, she was never going to see Caine again. And why in thunder did everything have to be so complicated? Lord only knew that protecting Caine

was work enough. Now she had to add Caine's father to her list.

Was Lady Aisely pretty?

Jade pushed that black thought aside. She really was going to have to do something about the Duke of Williamshire. Colin was certain to be upset when he returned home and found his papa had died from grief.

Had Caine taken Lady Aisely to bed?

I cannot think about her now, Jade decided. There are too many other problems to worry about.

She was going to have to do something about Colin's father. A note, she decided, wouldn't be good enough. She'd have to confront the man and have a firm talk with him.

Had Caine's stepmother already made the arrangements for Caine's wedding? Oh God, she hoped Caine had been telling her the truth. She hoped he didn't want Lady Aisely.

'This is ridiculous,' she muttered to herself. Of course Caine would marry. And of course it would be

to someone other than her. When he found out the truth about her background, he wouldn't want her anymore.

With a growl of frustration, Jade gave up trying to formulate any plans. Her emotions were like the masts on the Emerald, blowing strong in a high wind. It was pointless to try to concentrate now. Caine's papa would just have to despair a little longer.

* * *

She avoided Caine for most of the day. They ate a quiet dinner together. Sterns surprised Jade when he pulled out a chair and sat down with them. The butler ate his meal with them, too. He kept his attention on Caine most of the time, but when he did look at her, his expression was kind, affectionate.

She decided he hadn't found out that she slept with Caine, after all. Jade was relieved. She'd already noticed that Sterns' relationship with Caine was far more than employer and employee. They were very like family, and she didn't want a man who Caine cared about to think she was a trollop.

She kept giving Sterns fretful glances until he reached over and patted her hand.

Caine did most of the talking during the meal. The conversation centered on the problems of running such a large estate. Jade was extremely interested. Surprised as well, for Caine showed he had a true concern for the members of his parish. He actually felt responsible for their well-being.

'Do you aid those who need help?' she asked.

'Of course.'

'By giving them money?'

'When it's the only answer,' he explained. 'Jade, a man's pride is as important as his hunger. Once the stomach's been filled, a way to better himself is the next step.'

She thought about that statement a long while, then said,

'Yes, a man's self-worth is important. So is a woman's,' she added.

'If you take that self-worth away, there's a good chance that he… or she will give up altogether. A man can't be made to feel he's been manipulated or made to feel a failure.'

'There's a difference between manipulation and failure,' she argued.

'Not really,' Caine replied. 'A man's a fool if he allows either, isn't he, Sterns?'

'He most certainly is,' Sterns agreed. The butler reached for the teapot before continuing. 'A man's

pride is most important. It should matter above all else.'

'But surely you two will agree that there are times when pride must be set aside,' she interjected.

'Such as?' Caine asked.

'A man's life is one excellent example,' she answered.

'But a man's life isn't as important as his self-worth,' Sterns said. 'Don't you agree, mi'lord?'

Caine didn't answer. He was looking at Jade with that unreadable expression on his face again. Jade didn't have any idea what he was thinking now. She smiled at him just to cover her own unease, then pleaded fatigue and returned to her bedroom.

Sterns had ordered a bath made ready for her. A fire burned in the hearth, toasting the air. Jade lingered in the tub, then went to bed. She tossed and turned for almost an hour before falling into a fitful sleep.

* * *

Caine came to her bed sometime after midnight. He stripped out of his clothes, smothered out the candles, and eased into bed beside her. She was sleeping on her side, her nightgown bunched up around her thighs. Caine slowly eased the gown high, then pulled her silky bottom up against him.

She sighed in her sleep. The sound was like a fever to him. God, she was so warm, so sweet. His hand moved beneath her gown. He stroked her skin, her breasts, rubbing her nipples into hard buds. She moved against him restlessly, moaning in her sleep.

She probably thought she was in the throes of an erotic dream, Caine thought. He nibbled on her neck, teased her earlobe with his tongue, and when her backside pushed up against him more insistently, his hand slid down into the heat between her thighs.

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