(1995). Homogentisate dioxygenase gene cloned in
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For those concerned about inherited disorders such as Huntington's disease, the writings of Nancy and Alice Wexler, detailed in the notes below, are essential reading. Stephen Thomas's
1. Thomas, S. (1986).
2. Gusella, J. F., McNeil, S., Persichetti, F., Srinidhi, J., Novelletto, A., Bird, E., Faber, P., Vonsattel, J . P . , Myers, R. H. and MacDonald, M. E. (1996).
Huntington's disease.
3. Huntington, G. (1872). On chorea.
4. Wexler, N. (1992). Clairvoyance and caution: repercussions from the Human Genome Project. In
5. Huntington's Disease Collaborative Research Group (1993). A novel gene containing a trinucleotide repeat that is expanded and unstable on Huntington's disease chromosomes.
6. Goldberg, Y. P.
7. Kakiuza, A. (1998). Protein precipitation: a common etiology in neurodegenerative disorders?
8. Bat, O., Kimmel, M. and Axelrod, D. E. (1997). Computer simulation of expansions of DNA triplet repeats in the fragile-X syndrome and Huntington's disease.
9. Schweitzer, J. K. and Livingston, D. M. (1997). Destabilisation of CAG
trinucleotide repeat tracts by mismatch repair mutations in yeast.
10. Mangiarini, L. (1997). Instability of highly expanded CAG repeats in mice transgenic for the Huntington's disease mutation.
B I B L I O G R A P H Y A N D N O T E S 3 1 9
Transgenic models of Huntington's disease.
11. Chong, S. S.
si2e to mutation frequencies of intermediate alleles for Huntington's disease: evidence from single sperm analyses.
12. Wexler, N. S. (1992). The Tiresias complex: Huntington's disease as a paradigm of testing for late-onset disorders.
13. Wexler, A. (1995).
C H R O M O S O M E 5
One of the best books about gene hunting is William Cookson's
1. Hamilton, G. (1998). Let them eat dirt.
31; Rook, G. A. W. and Stanford, J. L. (1998). Give us this day our daily germs.
2. Cookson, W. (1994).
3. Marsh, D. G.
4. Martinez, F. D.
C H R O M O S O M E 6
The story of Robert Plomin's search for genes that influence intelligence will be told in a forthcoming book by Rosalind Arden. Plomin's textbook on
(Norton, 1981) is a good account of the early history of eugenics and IQ.
Lawrence Wright's