Alverstone: al-ver-stone Dagger used by Royce

Alysin: Elven afterlife

Amberton Lee: Hill with old ruins not far from Hintindar, site where Arista killed two seret

Ambrose Moor: Administrator of the Manzant Prison and Salt Works

Amilia: Secretary to the Empress, carriage maker’s daughter, bron in Tarin Vale

Amiter, Queen: Second wife of King Urith, sister of Androus, killed by Imperialists

Amrath Essendon, King: am-wrath Former ruler of Melengar, father of Alric and Arista, killed by Nyphron Church

Amril: am-rill Countess that Arista cursed with boils

Androus Billet: Viceroy of Ratibor, murdered King Urith, Queen Amiter, and their children

Ankor: Tribe of Ghazel

Anna: Chamber maid of Empress Modina

Antun Bulard: Historian and author of The History of Apeladorn, passenger on the Emerald Storm, hired to find the Horn of Gylindora

Apelanese: Language spoken by the four kingdoms of men

Apeladorn: ah-pell-ah-dorn The four nations of man, consisting of Trent, Avryn, Delgos, and Calis

Aquesta: ah-quest-ah Capital city of the kingdom of Warric, seat of power for the New Empire

Arbor: Baker in Hintindar, married to Dunstan, shoemaker’s daughter, first love of Hadrian

Arcadius Vintarus Latimer: Professor of Lore at Sheridan University, caretaker of Allie

Archibald Ballentyne: Earl of Chadwick, commander of Sir Breckton, promised providence of Melengar for service to the New Empire, infatuated with Empress Modina, nickname: Archie

Arista Essendon, Princess: Sister of Alric, daughter of Amrath, Princess of Melengar, leader of rebel victory in Ratibor, former mayor pro tem of Ratibor, former Regent of Rhenydd, Witch of Melengar, imprisoned in Aquesta after trying to free Degan Gaunt

Armand, King: Ruler of Alburn, married to Adeline, sons: Rudolf and Hector, daughter: Beatrice

Armigil: Brew mistress of Hintindar, family friend of the Blackwaters

Art, the: magic, generally feared due to superstition

Arvid McDern: Son of Dillon McDern of Dahlgren

Asendwayr: Tribe of elves, hunters

Avempartha: Ancient elven tower, home of Gilarabrywn that attacked Dahlgren

Avryn: ave-rin The central and most powerful of the four nations of Apeladorn, located between Trent and Delgos

Ayers: Proprietor of the Laughing Gnome in Ratibor

Ba Ran Archipelago: Island of the goblins

Ba Ran Ghazel: Goblins of the sea

Backing: Rigging a sail such that it catches the wind from its forward side, having both backed and regular rigged sails can render a ship motionless

Bailiff: Officer who is employed to make arrests and administer punishments

Bailey Inn: Boardinghouse routinely used by Riyria when in Aquesta

Baldwin: Lord whose landholdings include Hintindar

Ballentyne: al-in-tine The ruling family of the earldom of Chadwick

Banner: Crewmember of the Emerald Storm, one of the few survivors

Barak: Ghetto in Trent inhabited by dwarves

Barkers: Refugee family living in Brisbane Alley of Aquesta, father Brice, mother Lynnette, sons Finis, Hingus, and Wery

Bartholomew: Carriage maker of Tarin Vale, father of Amilia

Bartholomew: Priest in Ratibor

Basil: Officer’s cook on the Emerald Storm, died at sea

Bastion: Servant in the imperial palace

Battle of Medford: Skirmish that occurred during Arista’s witch trial

Battle of RaMar: Bloody fight that Hadrian once fought in

Battle of Ratibor: Rebellion against Imperialists led by Emery Dorn and Arista

Beatrice, Princess: Daughter of King Armand, Princesses of Alburn, Sister to Rudolf and Hector

Belinda Pickering: Extremely attractive wife of Count Pickering, mother of Lenare, Mauvin, Fanen, and Denek

Bella: Cook at the Laughing Gnome in Ratibor

Belstrads: ell-straads Noble family from Chadwick, including Sir Breckton and Wesley

Bernard Green: Candle maker from Dunmore, living in Aquesta

Bendlton, Brother: Cook at the rebuilt Winds Abbey

Bennington: Guard in Aquesta

Bently: Sergeant in the Nationalist army, promoted by Hadrian to adjunct general

Bernard: Lord Chamberlain of the imperial palace

Bernice: Former handmaid of Arista, killed in Dahlgren

Bernie Defoe: Topsail crewmember of the Emerald Storm, former member of the Black Diamond thieves’ guild, hired to find the Horn of Gylindora

Bernum Heights: Wealthiest residential district in Colnora

Bernum River: Waterway that bisects the city of Colnora

Beryl: Senior midshipman on the Emerald Storm, died at sea

Bethamy, King: Ruler reputed to have had his horse buried with him

Betrayal in Medford: Imperialist version of the play The Crown Conspiracy

Biddings: Chancellor of the imperial palace

Bishop: Lieutenant aboard the Emerald Storm, died at sea

Black Diamond: International thieves’ guild centered in Colnora

Blackwater: Last name of Hadrian and his father, Danbury

Blinden: Quartermaster’s mate on the Emerald Storm, died at sea

Blood Week: Time of the year when stock, that won’t be able to be fed, during the winter is butchered

Blythin Castle: Castle in Alburn

Boatswain: Petty officer on a ship who controls the work of other seamen

Bocant: Family who built a lucrative industry from pork, second wealthiest merchants in Colnora

Bothwicks: Family of peasant farmers of Dahlgren, father: Russell, mother: Lena

Braga, Percy: Former Archduke and Lord Chancellor of Melengar, expert swordsman, uncle-in-law to Alric and Arista, killed by Count Pickering, commissioned the murder of Amrath

Brand: Street Urchin, reputed to have killed a kid in a fight to win a tunic, nickname: Brand the Bold

Breckton: Sir Breckton Belstrad, son of Lord Belstrad, brother of Wesley, commander of the Northern Imperial Army, knight of Chadwick, considered by many to be the best knight of Avryn

Brideeth: Elven swear curse word, highest insult

Bright Star: Ship sunk by Dacca

Bristol Bennet: Boatswain on the Emerald Storm, died at sea

Brodric Essendon: Founder of the Essendon dynasty

Bucket men: Term for assassin in the Black Diamond thieves’ guild

Bulard, Antun: See Antun Bulard

Burandu: Bur-and-dew Lord of the Tenkin village of Oudorro

Byrnie: Long (usually sleeveless) tunic of chain mail formerly worn as defensive armor

Calian: cal-lay-in Pertaining to the nation of Calis

Calians: Residents of the nation of Calis with dark skin tone and almond-shaped eyes.

Calide Portmore: Folksong often sung while drinking

Calis: cal-lay Southern- and easternmost of the four nations of Apeladorn, considered exotic, in constant conflict with the Ba Ran Ghazel

Capstan: Spoked wheel on a ship that turns to raise the anchor

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