Elgar: Sir Elgar, Knight of Galeannon, friend of Gilbert and Murthas

Ella: Cook at Drondil Fields

Ella: Alias used by Arista while masquerading as a maid in the imperial palace

Elinya: Esrahaddon’s lover

Elis Far: Melengarian ship used to send envoy to Nationalists, captured by Imperialists

Elquin: Masterwork of Orintine Fallon, poet

Elven: Pertaining to elves

Emery Dorn: Young revolutionary from Ratibor, in love with Arista, killed in Battle of Ratibor

Emerald Storm: Ship of the New Empire, captained by Seward

Empress Modina: Puppet Ruler of the New Empire, previously Thrace Wood of Dahlgren, locked in near catatonic state after loss of family and village

Enden, Sir: Knight of Chadwick, considered second best to Breckton, killed in Dahlgren

Enild, Baron: in-illed Nobleman of Galien of Melengar

Erandabon Gile: Panther of Dur Guron, Tenkin Warlord, madman

Erebus: Father of the gods, also known as Kile when in human form

Erivan: ear-ah-van Elven Empire

Erlic, Sir: A knight who survived the destruction of Dahlgren

Erbon: Region of Calis northwest from Mandalin

Erma Everton: Alias used by Arista while in Hintindar

Ervanon: err-vah-non City in northern Ghent, seat of the Nyphron Church, once the capital of the Steward’s Empire as established by Glenmorgan I

Esrahaddon: ez-rah-hod-in Wizard, former member of the Cenzar, convicted of destroying the Old Empire, sentenced to imprisonment, held in Gutaria, killed by Merrick

Essendon: ez-in-don Royal family of Melengar

Essendon Castle: Home of ruling monarchs of Melengar

Estramnadon: es-tram-nah-don Believed to be the capital or at least a very sacred place in the Erivan Empire

Estrendor: es-tren-door The northern wastes

Etcher: Member of the Black Diamond thieves’ guild, traitor who turns Arista over to seret

Ethelred, Lanis: eth-el-red Former King of Warric, co-regent of New Empire, Imperialist

Everton: Alias used by Arista, Hadrian, and later Royce

Everton, Captain: Commander of Aquesta’s southern gate

Evlin: City along the banks of the Bernum River

Exeter: Family name of rulers of Hanlin

Fall-the-Wall: Children’s game

Falina Brockton: Real name of Emerald, waitress at the Rose and Thorn

Falquin: Professor at Sheridan University

Fallon Mire: City where Merton prevented the spread of a terrible disease

Fallon, Orintine: Poet who wrote on how patterns in nature relate to patterns in life

Fan Irlanu: Visionary of Oudorro, seer, fortune teller, predicted Royce’s future including the death of someone near to him

Fanen Pickering: fan-in Middle son of Count Pickering, killed by Luis Guy

Faquin: Inept magician who uses alchemy rather than channeling the Art

Farilane, Princess: wrote Migration of Peoples

Fauld, the Order of: fall-edA post-imperial order of knights dedicated to preserving the skill and discipline of the Teshlor Knights

Fenitilian: Monk of Maribor, made warm shoes

Ferrol: God of the elves

Festivious Foundereionus: Celebration to commemorate the founding of Percepliquis

Finiless: Noted author

Finisher: Stealthy Ghazel fighter

Finlin, Ethan: Member of Black Diamond, stores smuggled goods, owns windmill

Fletcher: the maker of arrows

Forecastle: Raised portion in the bow of a ship containing living quarters of senior crewmembers

Forrest: Ratibor citizen with fighting experience, son of a silversmith

Freda, Queen: Queen of Dunmore, wife of Roswort

Fredrick, King: Ruler of Galeannon, husband of Josephine

Genevieve Hargrave: Duchess of Rochelle, wife of Leopold, patron or Riyria, nickname: Genny

Gentry Square: Affluent district of Melengar

Gafton: Imperial Admiral

Galeannon: gale-e-an-on Kingdom of Avryn, ruled by Frederick and Josephine, member of the New Empire

Galenti: ga-lehn'-tay Calian nickname attributed to Hadrian, Calian word for killer

Galewyr River: gale-wahar Marks the southern border of Melengar and the northern border of Warric and reaches the sea near the fishing village of Roe

Galien: gal-e-in Archbishop of the Nyphron Church

Galilin: gal-ah-lin Province of Melengar ruled by Count Pickering

Garnache: Loose outer garment

Gaunt, Degan: See Degan Gaunt

Gerty: Midwife in Hintindar that delivered Hadrian, married to Abelard

Ghazel: gehz-ell Ba Ran Ghazel, the dwarven name for goblins, literally: Sea Goblins.

Ghazel Sea: Southern body of water east of the Sharon Sea

Gilarabrywn: gill-lar-ah-bren Elven beast of war; one escaped Avempartha, destroyed village of Dahlgren, and was killed by Thrace

Gilbert, Sir: Knight of Maranon, friend of Murthas and Elgar

Gill: Sentry in the Nationalist Army

Ginlin: gin-lin Monk of Maribor, winemaker, refused to touch a knife

Glamrendor: glam-ren-door Capital of Dunmore

Glenmorgan: 326 years after the fall of the Novronian Empire, this native of Ghent reunited the four nations of Apeladorn; founder of Sheridan University; creator of the great north-south road; builder of the Ervanon palace (of which only the Crown Tower remains)

Glenmorgan II: Son of Glenmorgan. When his father died young, the new and inexperienced emperor relied on church officials to assist him in managing his empire. They in turn took the opportunity to manipulate the emperor into granting sweeping powers to the church and nobles loyal to the church. These leaders opposed defending Delgos against the invading Ba Ran Ghazel in Calis and the Dacca in Delgos, arguing the threat would increase dependency on the empire.

Glenmorgan III: Grandson of Glenmorgan. Shortly after assuming the stewardship, he attempted to reassert control over the realm his grandfather had created by leading an army against the invading Ghazel that had reached southeastern Avryn. He defeated the Ghazel at the First Battle of Vilan Hills and announced plans to ride to the aid of Tur Del Fur. Fearing his rise in power, in the sixth year of his reign, his nobles betrayed and imprisoned him in Blythin Castle. Jealous of his popularity, growing strength, and resentful of his policy of striping the nobles and clergy of their power, the church charged him with heresy. He was found guilty and executed. This began the rapid collapse of what many called the Steward’s Empire. The church later claimed the nobles had tricked them, and condemned many, most of whom reputedly ended their lives badly.

Glouston: Province of northern Warric bordering on the Galewyr River. Ruled by the marquis Lanaklin invaded and taken over by the New Empire

Grady: Seamen on the Emerald Storm, died in arena fight in the Palace of the Four Winds

Gravin Dent: Well respected knight from Delgos

Gravis: Dwarf who sabotaged Drumindor

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