Carat: Young member of Black Diamond thieves’ guild
Carrel: Small individual study area in a library
Caswell: Family of peasant farmers from Dahlgren
Cenzar: sen-zhar Wizards of the Old Novronian Empire
Cenzarium: Home of Cenzar Council in Percepliquis
Chamberlain: Someone who manages the household of a king or nobleman
Chanfron: Piece of plate armor used to protect a horse’s head
Code of Chivalry: Seven virtues each knight should aspire to
Colnora: call-nor-ah Largest, wealthiest city in Avryn, merchant-based city, grew from a rest stop at a central crossroads of various major trade routes.
Constance, Lady: Noblewoman, fifth imperial secretary to Empress Modina
Cora: Dairymaid at the imperial palace
Cornelius DeLur: Rich businessman, rumored to finance Nationalists and involved in black market, father of Cosmos
Cosmos Sebastian DeLur: Son of Cornelius, also known as the Jewel, head of Black Diamond thieves’ guild
Coxswain: Helmsman of a racing ship
Cranston: Professor at Sheridan University, tried and burned for heresy
Crimson Hand: Thieves’ guild operating out of Melengar
Crown Conspiracy: Play reputed to be based on the murder of King Amrath, follows the exploits of two thieves and the Prince of Melengar
Crown Tower: Home of the Patriarch and center of the Nyphron Church
Cutter: Moniker used by Merrick Marius when a member of the Black Diamond thieves’ guild
Dacca: A fierce seafaring people who live on the island of Dacca south of Delgos
Dagastan: Major and easternmost trade port of Calis
Dahlgren: dall-grin Remote village on the bank of the Nidwalden River, sit of Gilarabrywn attack
Danbury Blackwater: Father of Hadrian
Danthen: Woodsman from Dahlgren
Daref, Lord: Noble of Warric, associate of Albert Winslow
Darius Seret: Founder of the Seret Knights
Davens: Squire who Arista had a youthful crush on
Davis: Crewmember of the Emerald Storm, died at sea
Deacon Tomas: Priest of Dahlgren, witnessed destruction of Gilarabrywn, proclaimed Thrace Wood as the Heir of Novron
Defoe, Bernie: See Bernie Defoe
Degan, Gaunt: Leader of the Nationalists, sister of Miranda, Heir of Novron, Imprisoned in Aquesta by Imperials
DeLancy, Gwen: Calian prostitute and proprietor of Medford House and The Rose and Thorn Tavern in Medford, girlfriend of Royce Melborn
Delano DeWitt: Alias used by Wyatt Deminthal when he framed Hadrian and Royce for King Amrath’s death
Delgos: One of the four nations of Apeladorn. The only republic in a world of monarchies, Delgos revolted against the Steward’s Empire after Glenmorgan III was murdered and after surviving an attack by the Ba Ran Ghazel with no aid from the empire.
DeLorkan, Duke: Nobleman from Calis
DeLunden, Bishop: Head of Nyphron Church in Aquesta
DeLur: Family of wealthy merchants, father: Corneilus, son: Cosmos
Deminthal, Wyatt: Quartermaster and helmsman of the Emerald Storm, father of Allie, blackmailed by Merrick Marius to ensure Riyria disabled defenses of Drumindor
Denek Pickering: Youngest son of Count Pickering
Denny: Worker at the Rose and Thorn
Derin: Clan of dwarves
Dermont, Lord: General of Imperial Southern Army, killed in Battle of Ratibor
Derning, Jacob: Maintop captain on the Emerald Storm, member of Black Diamond, rescued Royce and Hadrian from Tur Del Fur jail
Destrier: Unusually large war horse used by knights
DeWitt, Delano: See Delano DeWitt
Devon: Monk of Tarin Vale, taught Amilia to read and write
Digby: Guard at Essendon Castle
Dilladrum: Erbonese guide, hired to take crew of the Emerald Storm to Palace of the Four Winds, killed during escape
Dime: Crewmember of the Emerald Storm, died at sea
Dioylion: die-e-leon The Accumulated Letters of Dioylion, a very rare scroll
Dixon Taft: Bartender and manager of The Rose and Thorn tavern, lost an arm in the Battle of Medford
Dobbs: Servant in the employ of Merrick Marius
Dogger: Type of small ship, often used by Tenkin
Dovin Thranic: Sentinel of Nyphron Church aboard the Emerald Storm, half-elf, hired to find the Horn of Gylindora
Dr. Gerand: Physician in Ratibor
Dr. Levy: Physician aboard the Emerald Storm, hired to find the Horn of Gylindora
Drash: Ghazel chieftain, arena fighter, known as Drash of the Klune
Drew, Edgar: Old seaman who died due to a fall from mast of the Emerald Storm
Drome: God of the dwarves
Drondil Fields: Count Pickering’s castle, once the fortress of Brodric Essendon the original seat of power in Melengar.
Drumindor: Dwarven-built fortress located at the entrance to Terlando Bay in Tur Del Fur, can utilize lava from nearby volcano for its defense, overrun by goblins after the defenses were disabled by Royce and Hadrian
Drundel: Peasant family from Dahlgren consisting of Mae, Went, Davie, and Firth
Dubrion Ash: Author of The Forgotten Race, a history of the dwarves
Dulnar, Sir: Knight who lost a hand in Wintertide games
Dunmore: Youngest and least sophisticated kingdom of Avryn, ruled by King Roswort, member of the New Empire
Dunlap, Paul: Former carriage driver of King Urith, dead
Dunstan: Baker in Hintindar, childhood friend of Hadrian, married to Arbor
Dur Guron: Eastern most portion of Calis
Durbo: Tenkin dwelling
Duster: Moniker used by Royce while a member of the Black Diamond
Ecton, Sir: Chief knight of Count Pickering, military general of Melengar
Edgar Drew: See Drew, Edgar
Edith Mon: Head maid in charge of the scullery and chamber servants in the imperial palace
Edmund Hall: Professor of geometry at Sheridan University, found Percepliquis, declared a heretic by the Nyphron church, imprisoned in the Crown Tower, husband of Sadie, father of Ebot and Dram
Edmund Hall’s Journal: Heretical document of journey into Percepliquis, one of the treasures kept in the Crown Tower
Eilywin: Tribe of elves, builders
Elan: The world
Elbright: Street Urchin, leader of a small band consisting of Mince, Brand, and Kine, nickname: The Old Man
Elden: Large man, friend of Wyatt Deminthal