26. Red Army soldiers retrieving an anti-tank gun on the waterlogged Oder flood plain. 27. Soviet women released from forced labour near Berlin by the Red Army. 28. An improvised graveyard in the ruins of Berlin. 29. Hitler caresses one of his youngest defenders, watched by Artur Axmann, head of the Hitler Youth. 30–33. The Red Army fighting street by street to capture the ‘lair of the fascist beast’. 34. Across the Moltke bridge to attack ‘Himmler’s House’ — the Ministry of the Interior — then the Reichstag. 35. Soviet assault gun firing down a Berlin street. 36. A riddled Volkswagen by the Reich Chancellery. 37. Forces of the 1st Ukrainian Front sent to crush the Ninth Army in pine forests south of Berlin. 38. German soldiers surrendering to the Red Army in Berlin. 39. Soviet mechanized troops having a wash in a Berlin street. 40. Cooking in the ruins. 41. Red Army meets US Army: Colonel Ivanov proposes a toast, while Major General Robert C. Macon of the 83rd Infantry Division listens. 42. German civilians escaping the Red Army cross the ruined rail bridge over the Elbe to American territory. 43. The end of the battle for Hans-Georg Henke, a teenage conscript. 44. A wounded Soviet soldier tended by a female medical assistant. 45. General Stumpff, Field Marshal Keitel and Admiral von Friedeburg arrive at Karlshorst to sign the final surrender, 9 May. 46. A Red Army soldier tries to seize a Berliner’s bicycle. 47. Marshal Zhukov takes the victory parade on the horse which had thrown Stalin. 48. Zhukov watched by General K. F. Telegin, head of the political department, and General Ivan Serov, the NKVD chief. 49. Visiting the battleground inside the Reichstag.


German prisoners of war being marched past the Brandenburg Gate on their way to captivity.


AKG London: 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 17, 22, 24, 26, 28, 34, 37, 40, 42

Alexander Ustinov/Bildarchiv Preu?ischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin: 27

Bildarchiv Preu?ischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin: 16, 21, 39, 43

Bundesarchiv Bild, Koblenz: 2 (146/85/22/20), 47 (183/K0907/310)

Chronos, Berlin: 18, 19, 36

Hilmar Pabel/Bildarchiv Preu?ischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin: 15

Hulton Getty: 46

Imperial War Museum, London: 10 (FLM 3345), 29 (FLM 3351), 30 (FLM 3349), 31 (FLM 3348), 32 (FLM 3346), 33 (FLM 3350)

Jurgen Stumpff/Bildarchiv Preu?ischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin: 45

National Archives and Records Administration, Maryland: 20 (111-SC-205221), 41 (111-SC-205367), 49 (306 -NT-885-C2)

PK-Benno Wundshammer/Bildarchiv Preu?ischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin: 1

Private Collection/Novosti/Bridgeman Art Library: 23, 25

Ullstein Bild, Berlin: 4, 5, 11, 12, 14, 38, 44

Victor Tiomin: Endpapers, 35

Every effort has been made to contact all copyright holders. The publishers will be glad to make good in future editions any errors or omissions brought to their attention.



AGMPG Archiv zur Geschichte der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Berlin

AWS Art of War Symposium, ‘From the Vistula to the Oder: Soviet Offensive Operations’, Center for Land Warfare, US Army War College, 1986

BA-B Bundesarchiv, Berlin

BA-MA Bundesarchiv-Militararchiv, Freiburg-im-Breisgau

BLHA Brandenburgisches Landeshauptarchiv, Potsdam

BZG-S Bibliothek fur Zeitgeschichte (Sammlung Sterz), Stuttgart

GARF Gosudarstvenny Arkhiv Rossiiskoy Federatsii (State Archive of the Russian Federation), Moscow

HUA-CD Humboldt Universitatsarchiv (Charite Direktion), Berlin

IfZ Institut fur Zeitgeschichte, Munich

IMT Trials of the Major War Criminals before the International Military Tribunal (Nuremberg)

IVMV Istoriya vtoroi mirovoi voiny, 1939–1945 Vol. x, Moscow, 1979

KA-FU Krigsarkivet (Forsvarsstaben Utrikesavdelningen), Stockholm

LA-B Landesarchiv-Berlin

MGFA Militargeschichtliches Forschungsamt library, Potsdam

NA National Archives II, College Park, Maryland

PRO Public Record Office, Kew

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