Eucalyptus leaves, 44
Evasive strategies, of
EVI antibodies, 215
FAB (antigen-binding fragment) and Fc (crystallizable fragment), 212-13
Fabulation, and immune response to
Feces, of
Fetus, maternal transmission of
Fever, and Chagas’ disease:
acute phase and, 49;
as cultural illness, 68;
Kallawaya herbalists and, 38
Figaroa, Ciro, 50
Flax seeds, 42
Flight, of
Food, contamination of with
Forde, R. M., 1
Foundations, of houses and Chagas’ prevention, 120
France, and Chagas’ disease, 94
Frasch, Alberto, 168
Free market economy, and poverty in urban Bolivia, 103-104, 105
Freire, Paulo, 234 n.8
Fryer, Michelle L., 116
Garcia Meza, Luis, 233 n.2
Garret, Laurie, 155
Gelbard, Robert, xix, xx
Gemio alario, Abraham, 179-80
Gender, inequality and Chagas’ disease in Bolivia, 116
Genetic variability, of
Gentian violet, and blood contaminated with
Glycoproteins, on surface of
Goats, as hosts for
Goldbaum, M., 94
Gonzalez, J., 165
Gonzalez, Silverio, 147
Gregg, Linda, 148
Guarani tribes (Bolivia), 96, 97, 126, 140
Guatemala, infestation of houses with
Guinea pigs, 194, 195
Gutierrez, Ronald, 148
Hagar, J. M., xxii
Hartenberger, Paul, xix, xx
biomedical definition of illness, 40;
Culture Context Model for Chagas’ prevention, 141;
immunopathic medicine and paradigm of, 87;
World Health Organization’s definition of, 144-45.
Heart block, 79, 203, 204, 232 n.3
Heart disease, Chagas’:
acute phase and, 197;
case study of in Bolivia, 78-87;
cardiac pathologies, 232n.3-4;
Darwin and, 10, 11;
morbidity in rural areas of Bolivia, 47;
symptoms of chronic, 203-204;
underdiagnosis of in U.S., xxii
Herbal medicine:
exports of from Bolivia, 111-52;
interdisciplinary approach to prevention of Chagas’ disease, 149;
Kallawaya-Bolivian medicinal plants
and AIDS, cancer, Chagas’ disease, and tuberculosis, xvii;
Kallawaya herbalists and Chagas’ disease in Bolivia, 30-45
HIV, Chagas’ disease and spread of in Latin America, 86.
Honduras, infestation of houses with
Horses, as hosts for
Hosts, and animal reservoirs for
House Improvement Committees (HICs), 116-17
baseline studies of Chagas’ disease in Chuquisaca, 226-27;
cooperatives in Bolivia and, 152;
cultural and political economy of Bolivia and physical proximity of vectors and hosts of Chagas’ disease, 88- 106;
Culture Context Model for Chagas’ prevention and, 138, 140;
Inca and
prevention programs for Chagas’ disease and, 107-23, 124-33;
statistics on infestation of with
Howard, J. E., 230 n.6
Huarochiri legends, 156-57
Humoral theory:
chagasic esophagus and
ethnomedicine in Latin America and, 68, 72;
Kallawaya herbalists and explanation of Chagas’ disease, 35, 38-39
Hydraulics, physiological.
Hypertrophy, of colon, 72
Hypoxia, 80, 82, 83, 204
Ileostomy, 74, 75
Illness: biomedical definition of, 40
Immune system, and Chagas’ disease:
acute phase and, 200-201;