but it didn’t feel em pty and there’s a special kind o f dark that

feels like G o d ’s in it, it’s got dots o f light in it all dancing and

sparkling or it’s almost thick so it’s just all surrounding you

like a nest or something, it’s something alive and you’re

something alive and it’s all around you, real friendly, real close

and kind as if it will take care o f you. I was so excited to be at

the movies by myself. I thought it was a very great day in my life

because usually I would be fighting with my mother and she

wouldn’t let me do anything I wanted to do. I had to play with

children and she didn’t like for them to be older than me but all

my real friends were older than me but I kept them secret. I

had to go shopping with her and try on clothes and go with her

to see the wom en’s things and the girls’ things and there were

millions o f them, and they were all the same, all matching sets

with the dressy ones all messed up with plastic flowers, all

fussy and stupid, and they were so boring, all skirts and

dresses and stupid things, little hats and little white gloves, and

I could only try on things that she liked and I wanted to read

anyway. I liked to walk around all over and go places I had

never seen before and I would always try to find a w ay to

wander around and not have to shop with her, except I loved

being near her but not shopping. N o w she was going on a big

trip to Lits, the biggest department store in Camden and

almost near Philadelphia, right near the bridge, and I loved to

be near the bridge, and I used to love to have lunch with m y

mother at the lunch counter in the giant store because that

wasn’t like being a child anymore and we would talk like

girlfriends, even holding hands. So this time I asked if I could

go to the movie across the street while she shopped and come

back to Lits all by m yself and meet her when the movie was

over and instead o f fighting with me to make me do what she

wanted she said yes and I couldn’t believe it because it made

me so happy because she didn’t fight with me and she had faith

in me and I knew I could do it and not get lost and handle the

money right and get back to the store on time and be in the

right place because I was mature. I had to act like a child but I

w asn’t one really. She wanted to have a child but I had been on

m y ow n a long time so I had to keep acting like a child but I

hated it. When she was sick I was on m y own and when I was

with relatives I was alone because they didn't know anything

and when she was in the hospital or home from the hospital I

did the ironing and I peeled the potatoes and once when she

couldn’t breathe and fell on the kitchen floor and it was late at

night and m y daddy was w orking I called the doctor and he

told me to get her whiskey right aw ay but I didn’t know what

whiskey was or how to find some so he told me to go to the

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