neighbors and I did and I got her whiskey and I ran like he told

me to in the dark at night and I took care o f her and made her

drink it even though she was on the floor dead and the doctor

said i f not for how calm I was she would have died but I w asn’t

calm and I wanted to cry but I didn’t. I thought she was dead

and I stopped breathing. I had already lived in lots o f different

houses and you can’t act like some normal child even though

everyone wants you to be just normal and they don’t want you

to feel bad but you have to be grown up and not give them

trouble and they never know what is in your heart or what you

really think about because their children are normal to them

and you aren’t their children and their children don’t know

about dying or being alone so you have to pretend. So I was

grow n up inside and acted grow n up all the time except when

m y mother was around because she wanted to have a child, a

real child, and got angry i f I didn’t act like a child because it

upset her to think I had got grow n up without her when she

w asn’t there because she wanted to be the mother o f a real

child. When I forgot to be a child or didn’t want to be I made

her very mad at me and very unhappy and she thought I was

trying to hurt her on purpose but I w asn’t because I loved ju st

being near her, sitting near to her when she drank her coffee,

and I was so proud once when I had helped m y daddy shovel

snow and she let me drink some coffee ju st like her. I loved her

hair. I loved when she talked to me about things, not telling

me what to do but just said things to me about things not

treating me like a baby. I loved when she let me go somewhere

with her and her girlfriends. I loved even when she was sick

but not real sick and was in bed for many days or sometimes

many weeks and I was allowed to go in and visit her a little and

sit on the bed and watch television with her and we would

watch “ The $64, 000 Question, ” and we were both crazy for

Charles Van Doren because he was so cute and so intellectual

and we rooted for him and bit our lips waiting for him to

answer and held hands and held our breath. Then I had to leave

her alone because I had tired her out but I felt wonderful for

hours after, so warm and happy, because m y mother loved

me. We held hands and we sat. But I couldn’t stand the stuff

she made me do. She made me sew and knit and do stupid

things. I was supposed to count the stitches and sit still and be

quiet and keep my legs closed when I sat down and wear white

gloves and a hat when I went out in a dress. She made me close

my legs all the time and I kept trying to get her to tell me w hy I

couldn’t sit how I wanted but she said girls must not ever sit so

sloppy and bad and she got mad because I said I liked to have

m y legs open when I sat down and I always did what I wanted

even if I got punished. She said I was a relentless child. But if I

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