had to think about closing my legs all the time I couldn’t just

sit and talk and I thought it was silly and stupid and I w asn’t

going to do it and she slapped me and told me how I was just

trying to hurt her. Sometimes she screamed and made me sit

with m y legs closed counting stitches knitting and I wanted

her to die. I wanted to go everywhere and I would lie and say I

was somewhere I was allowed to be and I would go

somewhere I had never been just to see it or just to be alone or

ju st to see what it was like or if anything would happen. Once I

got caught because two boys who were bigger and older

threw a Christmas tree at me and it hit the top o f m y head and

blood started running down all over me. I was walking on a

trashy dirt road but it had trees and bushes on it and even some

poison sumac on the trees which was bright red and I thought

it was beautiful and I used to pretend it was Nature and I was

walking in Nature but children w eren’t supposed to go there

alone because it was out o f the way. The tw o boys came

running out o f the bushes and trees and threw a whole

Christmas tree at m y head and m y head got cut open and

blood started running down and I got home walking with the

blood coming down and I got put in bed and the doctor came

and it w asn’t anything, only a little cut with a lot o f blood he

said. He said the head could bleed a lot without really being

hurt bad. But I had been some place I w asn’t supposed to go so

it was m y fault anyw ay even i f I had been hurt very bad. I was

supposed to learn that you weren’t supposed to go strange

places but instead I learned that m y head didn’t get smashed or

cracked open and I w asn’t going to die and I could do what I

wanted i f I w asn’t afraid o f dying; and I wasn’t. I had another

life all apart from what m y momma said and wanted and

thought and did and I did what I wanted and she couldn’t stop

me and I liked going places she wasn’t and I liked not having to

listen to her or stay with her or be like some prisoner where she

could see me and I liked doing what I wanted even if it was

nothing really. I hated her telling me everything not to do and

I stopped listening to her and no one knows all the things I did

or all the places I went. I liked it when she was away. I knew it

was bad o f me to like it because she was sick but I liked being

alone. I got sick o f being her child. I’d get angry with her and

yell at her for trying to make me do things. But I was always

nice to the other adults because you wanted them to like you

because then they left you alone more and sometimes they

would talk to you about things if you asked them lots o f

intelligent questions and made them talk to you. And you

have to be nice to adults to show you have manners and so they

w o n ’t watch you all the time and because you get punished i f

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