place because it’s ju st better for her that w ay; and I say fine; and

everyone says fine; and he’s going to give me the keys and

directions because I’m not sure where it is from here and I’m

waiting for him to come tell me these things, he said he’d write

them down, and fatigue is dragging me down, and I get my

coat and he comes and says hell I’ll just walk you there, it’s no

big deal, Jill’s going to be here for a couple o f hours yet, I’ll

walk you and come back, it’s just a few blocks away; and I was

glad because I didn’t want to get lost and I don’t know it

around here so good and it’s late and the streets are a little scary

down here, it’s not a regular neighborhood, and the wind has

made the streets bare and menacing as if it’s blowing dark

shadows in your face to smother you, and we go out, and it’s

colder than before, you are turned half to ice and the streets are

empty, just this naked cement with tides o f wind sweeping

over it like a sandstorm in the desert, and he says shit let’s get a

drink, and we step into a bar, we fucking dive into it, grateful

it’s there, and w e’re at the bar and I’m drinking my Stoli

straight up and I don’t have no money and I say so because I’m

planning to pay half because that’s fair and also I don’t want

wrong ideas communicated or to take advantage because he’s

a famous painter and he’s saying shit it doesn’t matter, it’s so

fucking cold we w on’t make it if we don’t take care o f

ourselves, and we talk about Hem ingway or something, and

we take o ff again, and we get a little further and there’s another

bar and we dive in, grateful, and we sit at the bar and there’s

another Stoli in front o f me and w e’re talking about some actor

he knows w h o ’s shooting cocaine and he’s saying it’s a tragedy

and I’m thinking yeah it is; and I’m saying Jill will w orry and

he’s saying there’s plenty o f time and I’m saying we should

just brave it and walk to his place and he’s saying it’s Jill’s

opening and she’s the center o f attention and that’s how it

should be and it’s good for her, she needs to stand more on her

own, and he’s proud o f her, and it’ll be fine, and there’s

another Stoli and another and another bar and another and he’s

putting down ten dollar bills for the bartender and I see the

vodka in front o f me and I drink it, and we talk about

H em ingway, and Ginsberg, and Whitman, and we duck into

another bar, and it’s almost empty, they all are, the weather

makes everything deserted and quiet and we seem like the only

people on earth, really, and the streets get darker, and the wind

gets colder, and the Stoli goes down smoother, easier, faster,

and he unrolls the bills faster, easier, more, and I’m saying shit

I’m tired and I’m telling him m y sad story o f this night and

how I didn’t have anywhere to go and how I don’t have no

money and how things are and he’s concerned, he’s listening,

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