anything because you are stupid or crazy and so you don’t

know how to say what happened and you say he kept saying

just let me. . . . and I tried to get away and he followed me

and he. . . . followed me and he. . . . and then they say,

thank God nothing happened. So you try to make them

understand that yes something did happen honest you aren’t

lying and you say it again, strained, thicklipped from biting

your lips, your chest swollen from heartbreak, your eyes

swollen from tears all salt and bitter, holding your legs funny

but you don’t want them to see and you keep pretending to be

normal and you want to act adult and you can barely breathe

from crying and you say yes something did happen and you

try to say things right because adults are so strange and so

stupid and you don’t know the right words but you try so hard

and you say exactly how the man sat down and put his arm

around you and started talking to you and you told him to go

away but he kept holding you and kissing you and talking to

you in a funny whisper and he put his hands in your legs and he

kept rubbing you and he had a really deep voice and he

whispered in your ear in this funny, deep voice and he kept

saying just to let him. . . . but you couldn’t understand what

he said because maybe he was mumbling or maybe he couldn’t

talk English so you can’t tell them what he said and you say

maybe he was a foreigner because you don’t know what he

said and he talked funny and you tried to get away but he

followed you and then you ran and you didn’t scream or cry

until you found your m omma because he might hear you and

find you so you were quiet even though you were shaking and

you ran and then they say thank God nothing happened and

you don’t know w hy they think you are lying because you are

trying to tell them everything that happened ju st the right w ay

and i f you are a stubborn child, a strong-willed child, you say

the almost-ten-year-old version o f fuck you something happened all right the fuck put his hands in m y legs and rubbed me

all over; m y legs; my legs; me; m y; m y legs; m y; m y; m y legs;

and he rubbed me; his arm was around m y shoulder, rubbing,

and his mouth was on m y neck, rubbing, and his hand was

under m y shirt, rubbing, and his hand was in m y pants,

rubbing, and he kept saying ju st let me. . . . and it was a

creepy whisper in some funny language and he was saying

sounds I didn’t understand and then they say the child is

hysterical, something must have happened, the child is

hysterical; and they want to know i f anything came inside or

was outside and you don’t want to tell them that he took your

hand and put it somewhere wet on him in his lap in the dark

and your hand touched something all funny and your hand got

all cold and slim y and they say thank God nothing happened;

and they ask i f something went inside but when you ask inside

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