man away and I wanted to stay in my room a long time, until I

got old, and I wanted God to keep my mother away because

she didn’t like me anymore and I didn’t want to take o ff my

bermuda shorts or show her any more and I didn’t want her to

look at me anymore, and I thought God should know I needed

Him and where was He? I thought maybe the man wasn’t a

bad man because they said nothing happened after all and I

looked grown up so how could he know I was just a child and I

wasn’t sure if he thought I was a child or not because I did look

very grown up and act very grown up but I told him I was a

child and he should go away but I said it in a very grown-up

way. I cried because they said nothing happened and because I

didn’t know if the man knew I was a child and I cried because I

wanted God to know something had happened and I was a

child and I wanted God to say w hy it was less bad if I wasn’t a

child because I was still the same me if I was or if I wasn’t. And

for the first time I didn’t want to be grown up because all the

adults said it was less bad. I cried because I didn’t see how it

could be less bad; and if I grew up were men going to be

putting themselves on me in movies only it wouldn’t be bad

because I wouldn’t be a child anymore. I cried because God

was busy somewhere else and didn’t come and if I cried He

w ould know I was hurting so much somewhere that didn't

exist and He could find it because He lived somewhere that

didn’t exist and He would know what I meant even if I

couldn’t say it and I w ouldn’t have to point here and here and

here and so I kept crying in case He didn’t know yet that He

should be coming to me now even though people were sick

and hungry all over and He had to see them too. I used to talk

to God, especially when m y mother was sick and in the

hospital and m y daddy had to be w orking so hard all day and

all night and God would be pretty near me, in the same room,

near me, and I wanted to know things like w hy anyone had to

die or be poor or starve in China, and if China was real or ju st a

story adults made up, and w hy colored people were treated so

bad, and w hy so many Jew s were dead; and I can’t remember

what He said but I always thought someday I would

understand if I kept trying to pin Him down and maybe I

could convince Him not to have things be so bad; and I had

complicated discussions with Him about w hy He made things

the w ay He did, because I didn’t think He did it right, and I

wanted to be a scholar when I grew up and write things about

what God meant and intended and He would listen to m y

questions and arguments but the adults wouldn’t; and I heard

Him inside m y head, and it was like He was in the room, but it

was never scary and it always made me peaceful even though I

thought He hadn’t done things completely right and I would get

calmed down and quiet even when I had been begging Him to let

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