the first time because you said you were mature enough and

she let you wear black and you made her cry so you say

momma I’m sorry momma nothing happened m om ma

nothing happened he didn’t hurt me momma I’m fine m omma

honest m omma nothing happened it didn’t m omma honest

nothing; and she says “ pregnant” something; and I am

punished, in m y room, put alone in m y room and not allowed

to come out and she doesn’t like me anymore, and I cry, I am

going to cry until I get old, I am crying for God to see, I am

afraid the man will come again because he came from nowhere

the first time and he disappeared into thin air and if he is from

outer space he can go anywhere or maybe he followed me like

they do on television and I couldn’t see him because he hid

behind trees and cars and God would know if he had followed

me and maybe God could stop him from finding m y room or

it could be like when someone is killed on television and you

think he is dead and then it gets all quiet and he isn’t dead and

he attacks again with a knife or a gun or he is real strong and it

is real quiet but suddenly he appears from nowhere so I cry but

I keep m y eye on the door so I will be alert in case he is just

pretending to be gone but really he sneaked inside the house

and he is ju st waiting or he could come in the w indow ; and

something hurts me like when you fall down and scrape your

knees and the skin is all scraped o ff and it is all bloody and has

cuts in it and dirt in it and your mother cleans it o ff and puts

iodine on it and says it w o n ’t hurt but it burns and she puts a

bandage on it; something hurts somewhere where he rubbed

but I don’t look because I’m afraid and I keep m y hands away

because I don’t want m y hands to touch me and I don’t want to

touch anywhere in m y legs because I’m afraid; and I couldn’t

say something was hurting because I didn’t know if something

was hurting or not or where it was because maybe I was

making it up because it hurt like a scraped knee but it hurt

somewhere that didn’t exist. I wanted God to see me crying so

He would know and it would count. I asked God if there were

men from outer space on earth because He knew if there was

life on other planets but He didn’t answer me; and I knew there

weren’t but I knew He could have made them if He wanted to

and I knew people only had two hands and I didn’t know how

many hands this man had and I couldn’t figure it out no matter

how much I tried because if he was rubbing in some places

how could he be rubbing in so many places and I couldn’t

count how many places and if he was from outer space he

could come into my room now through the air or anytime

from nowhere. I wanted God to tell me the truth because I was

afraid. I was trying to tell God I was hurt because I thought

God should know and let me stay in m y room and keep the

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