m y mother get better or at least not die. I talked to Him a lot

when m y mother was in the hospital for an operation that might

kill her and they told me she might die right then and I had a high

fever and appendicitis and a rash and the adults told me I had to

tell her over the phone that I was all right because she must not

w orry and die and I knew it was wrong to lie, especially because

she might die right then or that night or the next day,

and my last words to her would be lies, and I wanted to cry to

her, but the adults said I wasn’t allowed, and it didn’t matter if

God said it was wrong to lie if adults said you had to lie because

you had to do what adults said not what God said. Y ou had to

be careful not to tell anyone you talked with God because they

might think you were crazy and you had to make sure n ob od y.

heard you talking to Him and you had to remember not to tell

the doctor. They told you to believe in Him and you were

supposed to pray and they sent you to Hebrew School and you

had to go to the children’s services where girls weren’t allowed

to do anything anyway but He wasn’t supposed to talk to you.

He talked to Moses and Abraham but you were just Andrea

from Camden even though Abraham had just been a boy

herding sheep when he figured out there was one God. He had

been staring up in the sky trying to think about God and he

thought God was the moon but the moon disappeared when

night was over and then he thought God was the sun but the

sun disappeared when the day was over and then he figured

out God had to be there all the time so He couldn’t be the sun

or the moon or any king because they died or any idol because

you could break it and you weren’t so different from Abraham

before he grew up. Except that you didn’t understand how he

knew God couldn’t be air because air is everywhere all the time

and the teacher didn’t know but they never say they don’t

know, they just make you feel stupid for asking something.

Y ou were supposed to pray but you couldn’t lead the prayers

because you were a girl and you couldn’t read from the Torah

so a whole bunch o f boys who were a lot stupider than you got

to do all the important things and you weren’t supposed to

argue with God although the rabbis did it all the time but you

were a girl and you weren’t allowed to be a rabbi anyw ay and

all the rabbis who argued with Him were dead anyway and

none o f the rabbis you ever saw or heard who were alive ever

argued with God at all. Y ou thought they just didn’t care

enough but they kept telling you rules and what you had to do

and what you couldn’t do and how to grow up and what to

think but you knew that the dead rabbis couldn’t have been

like them and hadn’t just learned rules and so sometimes you

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