green and it’s living light and living rock and you can’t see the

blood, old blood generation after generation for thousands o f

years, as old as the stone, because the light heats it up and

burns it away and there is nothing dirty or ratty or stinking or

despondent and the people are proud and you don’t find them

on their knees. Even I’m not on my knees, stupid girl who falls

over for a shadow, who holds her breath excited to feel the

steely ice o f a knife on her breasts; Amerikan born and bred;

even I’m not on my knees. N ot even when entered from

behind, not even bent over and waiting; not on m y knees; not

waiting for bad boys to spill blood; mine. And the light burns

me clean too, the light and the heat, from the sun and from the

sex. Could you fuck the sun? That’s how I feel, like I’m

fucking the sun. I’m right up on it, smashed on it, a great,

brilliant body that is part o f its landscape, the heat melts us

together but it doesn’t burn me away, I’m flat on it and it

burns, m y arms are flat up against it and it burns, I’m flung flat

on it like it’s the ground but it’s the sun and it burns with me up

against it, arms up and out to hold it but there is nothing to

hold, the flames are never solid, never still, I’m solid, I’m still,

and I’m on it, smashed up against it. I think it’s the sun but it’s

M and he’s on top o f me and I’m burning but not to death, past

death, immortal, an eternal burning up against him and there

are waves o f heat that are suffocating but I breathe and I drown

but I don’t die no matter how far I go under. Y o u ’ve seen a fire

but have you ever been one— the red and blue and black and

orange and yellow in waves, great tidal waves o f heat, and if it

comes toward you you run because the heat is in waves that

can stop you from breathing, yo u ’ll suffocate, and you can see

the waves because they come after you and they eat up the air

behind you and it gets heavy and hard and tight and mean and

you can feel the waves coming and they reach out and grab

you and they take the air out o f the air and it’s tides o f pain

from heat, you melt, and the heat is a Frankenstein monster

made by the fire, the fire’s own heartbeat and dream, it’s the

monster the fire makes and sends out after you spreading

bigger than the fire to overcom e you and then burn you up.

But I don’t get burned up no matter how I burn. I’m

indestructible, a new kind o f flesh. Every night, hours before

dawn, we make love until dawn or sunrise or late in the

morning when there’s a bright yellow glaze over everything,

and I drift o ff into a coma o f sleep, a perfect blackness, no fear,

no m em ory, no dream, and when I open m y eyes again he is in

me and it is brute daylight, the naked sun, and I am on fire and

there is nothing else, just this, burning, smashed up against

him, outside time or anything anyone know s or thinks or

wants and it’s never enough. With Michalis before he left the

island, before M , overlapping at the beginning, it was

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