cold wind, foreign, with freezing, cutting water in it from

some other continent, wrathful, wanting to purge the ledge

and own the sea. A ll night we fucked with the wind trying to

push us down to death and I tore m y fingers against the stone

trying to hold on, the skin got stripped o ff m y hands, and

sometimes he was against the wall and m y head fell backwards

going down toward the sea and on the Roman walls we fucked

for who was braver and who was stronger and w ho w asn’t

afraid to die. He wanted to find fear in me so he could leave

me, so he could think I was less than him. He wanted to leave

me. He was desperate for freedom from love. On the Roman

wall we fucked so far past fear that I knew there was only me,

it didn’t matter where he went or what he did, it didn’t matter

who with or how many or how hard he tried. There was just

me, the one they kept telling him was a whore, all his great

friends, all the men who sat around scratching themselves, and

no matter how long he lived there would be me and if he was

dead and buried there would still be me, ju st me. I couldn’t

breathe without him but they expect that from a woman. I’d

have so much pain without him I w ouldn’t live for a minute.

But he w asn’t supposed to need me so bad you could see him

ripped up inside from a mile away. The pain w asn’t supposed

to rip through him; from wanting me; every second; now. He

was supposed to come and go, where he wanted, when he

wanted, get laid when he wanted, do this or that to me, what

he wanted, sex acts, nice and neat, ju icy and dirty but nice and

neat picked from a catalogue o f what men like or what men

pay for, one sex act followed by another sex act and then he

goes aw ay to someone else or to somewhere else, a kiss i f he

condescends, I blow him, a fuck, twice if he has the time and

likes it and feels so inclined; and I’m supposed to wait in

between and when he shows up I’m supposed to suck and I’m

supposed to rub, faster now, harder now, or he can rub, taster

now, harder now, inside me if he wants; and there’s some

chat, or some money, or a cigarette, or maybe sometimes a

fast dinner in a place where no one will see. But he’s burning so

bright it’s no secret he’s on fire; and it’s me. Anyone near him

is blinded, the heat hurts them, their skin melts, more than

they ever feel when they fuck rubbing themselves in and out o f

a woman. H e’s burning but he’s not indestructible. H e’s the

sun; I’m smashed up against him; but the sun burns itself up;

one day it will be cold and dead. He’s burning towards death

and a man’s not supposed to. A dry fuck with a dry heart is

being a man; a dry, heartless fuck with a dry, heartless heart.

He’s the great dancer, the most beautiful; he had all the women

and all the men; and now he is self-immolating; he is torrential

explosions o f fire, pillars o f flame, miles high; he is a force field

o f heat miles wide. The ground burns under him and anything

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