they can brag or sex transactions for money or the duties o f the

marital bed, the roll-over fuck; and he’s burning, consumed,

dying; so what? H e’d show up suddenly and then he’d be gone

and he never touched me; how could he not touch me? He’d

come in a burst and then he’d disappear and he’d never touch

me and sometimes he brought someone with him so he

couldn’t touch me or be with me or stay near me or come near

me to touch me; how could he not touch me? I went into a

white hot rage, a delirium o f rage; if I’d had his children I

would have sliced their necks open. I used razor blades to cut

delicate lines into my hands; physical pain was easy, a

distraction. Keeping the blade on m y hand, away from my

wrist, took all my concentration, a game o f nerves, a lover’s

game. I made fine lines that turned burgundy from blood the

w ay artists etch lines in glass but the glass doesn’t turn red for

them and the red doesn’t smear and drip. There was a man, I

wanted it to be M but it wasn’t M. He tied me up and hurt me

and on m y back there were marks where he used a whip he had

for animals and I wanted M to see but he didn’t come and he

didn’t see. I would have stayed there strung-up against the

wall m y back cut open forever for him to see but he didn’t see.

Then one day he came in the afternoon and knocked on the

door and politely asked me to have dinner with him that night.

Usually we talked in broken words in broken languages,

messy, tripping over each other. This was a quiet, formal,

aloof invitation with barely any words at all. He came in a car

with a driver. We sat in the back. He was elaborately

courteous. He didn’t say anything. I thought he would explain

things and say why. I sat quietly and waited. He was

unfailingly polite. We ate pinner. He said nothing except do

you like your dinner and would you like more wine and I

nodded whatever he said and m y eyes were open looking right

at him asking him to tell me something that would rescue me,

bring me back to being someone human with a human life.

Then he said he would take me home, form ally, politely, and

at m y door he asked i f he could come in and I said he could

only i f we could talk and he nodded his assent and the driver

waited for him and we went in and he touched me to fuck me,

his hands pushing me down on the bed, and I wanted him dead

and I tried to kill him with m y bare hands for touching me, for

not saying one word to me, for pushing me to fuck me, and I

hit his face with m y fist and I hit his neck and I pushed his neck

so hard I twisted it half around and he was stunned to feel the

pain and he was enraged and he pushed me down to fuck me

and he pinned me down with his hands and shoulders and

chest and legs and he kept fucking me and he said now he was

fucking me the w ay he fucked all whores, yes he went to

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