how and do it to me now; instead o f just waiting until he does

it and he’s gone. Y ou got to be mad at them perpetually and

forever and fierce and you got to know that you got a cunt and

that’s it. Y ou want philosophy and you’re dumb and dead;

you want true love and real romance, the same. Y ou put your

hand between them and your twat and you got a chance; you

use it like it’s a muscle, sinew and grease, a gun, a knife; you

grab and twist and turn and stare him in the eye, smile, he’s

already losing because you got there first, between his legs; his

thing’s in your fist and your fist is closing on him fast and he’s

got a failure o f nerve for one second, a pause, a gulp, one

second, disarmed, unsure, long enough so he doesn’t know ,

can’t remember, how mean he is; and then you have to take

him into you, o f course, yo u ’ve given your word; there on the

cement or in a shadow or some room; a shadow ’s warm and

dark and consoling and no one can close the door on you and

lock you in; you don’t go with him somewhere unless you got

a feeling for him because you never know what they’ll do; you

go for the edge, a feeling, it’s worth the risk; you learn what

they want, early, easy, it’s not hard, you can ride the energy

they give out or see it in how they m ove or read it o ff their

hips; or you can guide them, there’s never enough blow jo b s

they had to make them tired o f it i f worse comes to worse and

you need to, it will make him stupid and weak but sometimes

he’s mean after because he’s sure yo u ’re dirt, anyone w h o ’s

had him in her mouth is dirt, how do they get by, these guys,

so low and mean. It’s you, him, midnight, cement; viscous

dark, slate gray bed, light falling down from tarnished bulbs

above you; neon somewhere rattling, shaking, static shocks to

your eye, flash, zing, zip, winding words, a long poem in

flickering light; what is neon and how did it get into the sky at

night? The great gray poet talked it but he didn’t have to do it.

He was a shithead. I’m the real poet o f everyone; the Am erikan

democrat on cement, with everyone; it wears you down,

Walt; I don’t like poetry anymore; it’s semen, you great gray

clod, not some fraternal wave o f democratic j o y . I was born in

1946 down the street from where Walt Whitman lived; the girl

he never wanted, I can face it now; in Cam den, the great gray

city; on great gray cement, broken, bleeding, the girls

squashed down on it, the fuck weighing down on top,

pushing in behind; blood staining the gravel, mine not his;

bullshitter poet, great gray bullshitter; having all the men in

the world, and all the wom en, hard, real, true, it wears you

down, great gray virgin with fantastic dreams, you great gray

fool. I was born in 1946 down the street from where Walt

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