brothels and fucked whores, what did I think, that he only

fucked me, no man only fucked one wom an, and I would find

out how much he had loved me before because this was how

he fucked whores and this was how he would fuck me from

now on and it went on forever and I stopped fighting because

m y heart died and I lay still and I didn’t m ove and it still kept

going on and I stared at him and I hated him, I kept m y eyes

open and I stared, and it w asn’t over for a long time but I had

died during it so it didn’t matter when it ended or when he

stopped or when he pulled out o f me finally or when he was

gone from inside me and then it was over and there was

numbness close to death throughout me and there was some

man between m y legs. I hadn’t moved and I didn’t move, I

couldn’t m ove, I was on m y back and he had been on top o f me

to fuck me and then he slid down to where his head was

between m y legs and he turned over on his back and he rested

the back o f his head between m y legs where he had fucked me

and he rested there like some sweet, tired baby who had ju st

been born only they put him between m y legs instead o f in m y

arms and he said we would get married now because there was

nothing else left for either o f us; pity the poor lover, it hurt him

too. He was immensely sad and immensely bitter and he said

we would get married now because married people did it like

this and hated each other and felt dead, fucking was like being

dead for them; pity the poor husband, he felt dead. He stayed

between my legs, resting. I didn’t move because there is an

anguish that can stop you from moving and I couldn’t kill him

because there is an anguish that can stop you from killing.

Something awful came, a suffering bigger than my life or your

life or any life or G od ’s life, the crucifixion God; the nails are

hammered in but you don’t get to die. It’s the cross for ladies, a

bed, and you don’t get to die; the lucky boy, the favorite child,

gets to die. Y o u ’ve been mowed down inside, slaughtered

inside, a genocide happened in you, but you don’t get to die.

Y o u ’re not G od ’s son, you’re His daughter, and He leaves you

there nailed because you’re some stupid piece o f shit who

loved someone and you will be there forever, in some bed

somewhere for the rest o f your life and He will make it a long

time, He will make you get old, and He will see to it that you

get fucked, and the skin around where you get fucked will be

calloused and blistered and enraged and there will be someone

climbing on you and getting in you and God your Father will

watch; even when you’re old H e’ll watch. M left at sunrise,

sad boy, poor boy, immensely sad, tired boy, and time was

back on top o f me and I couldn’t move and I waited on the bed

to die but I didn’t die because God hates me; it’s hate. I couldn’t

m ove and I endured all the seconds in the day, every single

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