he touches is seared. The heat spreads, a fever o f discontent.

The men are fevered, an epidemic o f fury; they are hot but

they can’t burn. H e’s dying in front o f them, torched, and I’m

smashed up on him, whole, arms up and outstretched, on

him, flat up against the flames, indestructible. The whore’s

killing him; she’s a whore and she’s killing you. He can’t stay

away but he tries. He enumerates for me m y lovers. He misses

some but I am discreet. He breaks down because I am not

pregnant yet. I show him m y birth control pills, which he has

never seen; I explain that I w on’t be getting pregnant. He

disappears for a day, two days, then suddenly he is in front o f

me, on his knees, his smile stopping m y heart, he stoops with a

dancer’s swift grace, there is a gift in his hands but his hands

don’t touch mine, he drops the gift and I catch it and he is

gone, I catch it before it hits the ground and when I look up he

is gone, I could have dreamed it but I have the flowers or the

bread or the book or the red-painted Easter egg or the

drawing. H e’s gone and time takes his place, a knife slicing me

into pieces; each second is a long, slow cut. Tim e can slow

down so you can’t outlast it. It can have a minute longer than

your life. Tim e can stand still and you can feel yourself dying

in it but you can’t make it go faster and you can’t die any faster

and if it doesn’t m ove you will never die at all and it w o n ’t

move; you are caved in underground with time collapsed in on

top o f you. T im e’s the cruelest lover yo u ’ll ever have,

merciless and thorough, wrapping itself right around your

heart and choking it and never stopping because time is never

over. Tim e turns your bed into a grave and you can’t breathe

because time pushes down on your heart to kill it. Tim e crawls

with its legs spread out all over you. It’s everywhere, a

noxious poison, it’s vapor and gas and air, it seeps, it spreads,

you can’t run aw ay somewhere so it w o n ’t hurt you, it’s there

before you are, waiting. H e’s gone and he’s left time behind to

punish you; but why? W hy isn’t he here yet; or now ; or now;

or now; and not one second has passed yet. He doesn’t want to

burn; but why? Why should he want less, to be less, to feel

less, to know less; w hy shouldn’t he push him self as far as he

can go; w hy shouldn’t he burn until he dies? I have a certain

ruthless objectivity not uncommon among those who live

inside the senses; I love him without restraint, without limit,

without respect to consequences, for me or for him; I am not

sentimental; I want him; this is not dopey, stupid, sentimental

love; nostalgia and lingering romance; this is it; all; everything. I don’t care about his small stupid social life among stupid, mediocre men— I know him, self-im molating,

torched, in me. His phony friends embarrass him, the men all

around on the streets playing cards and drinking and gossiping, the stupid men who lust for how much he feels, can’t imagine anything other than manipulating tourists into bed so

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