Harry and Sally admitted their love, and then they talked about their wedding, and the cake with the chocolate sauce on the side. 'Aww, man that gets me.' Haley said, bringing a hand up to her eye. I lifted myself onto an elbow, my body still against hers. I looked down at her.

'Are you crying?'

'No,' she sniffled. I grinned.

'You are so adorable.'

'I’m a big sap.'

'Yes, but you’re still adorable.' I looked down at her face, and she looked up at me, still swiping at her eye. I smiled, then my eyes traveled, taking in all of her. She laid on her back, one leg raised, her foot flat against the mattress. Her legs, long and strong, a bit of tan left over from last summer. The hand that wasn’t resting on my back was laying on her stomach where mine had been. My gaze traveled up further, her breathing even and steady, making her chest rise and fall, her breasts bulging against the material of the shirt, her neck, long and beautiful. I remember how soft that neck is.

Finally I looked into her eyes. She was studying me.

'I don’t understand why people use this phrase, but right now it seems appropriate. Don’t take this the wrong way, but you are so sensuous.' A small smile turned up the corners of her mouth, adding to the sexiness.

She brought a hand up to the side of my head.

'I’ve been told that before,' she said, her voice low, her eyes trailing all over my face, 'but it never really mattered, or affected me.' She looked into my eyes. 'Are you affected?' I nodded. Her hand found the back of my head, pulling me down.

Balancing on my elbow, I brought my lips to hers, my eyes closing immediately as the kiss began. I tilted my head to the side, opening my lips to her, feeling her hand wandering around in my hair, the side of my neck. I brought just the tip of my tongue out, swiping at the inside of her top lip. She sucked in a breath, and pulled me even closer, rolling over onto her side so we lay body to body. My hand went to her back, pulling her even closer, the kiss turning to liquid fire as passion began to overtake it.

Haley moved her leg so it rested just barely between mine, my leg bending just a bit, to rise above hers.

Our breathing was loud, heavy, and out of control, much like the kiss itself. She pressed her tongue against mine, both wagering for dominance.

God, the fire spread through me faster than any wildfire, lighting me aflame as it went. To my surprise I felt Haley’s hips begin to move, just a bit, but definitely noticeable. Her breasts pressed to mine, stomach, hips, all of it. My own body began to move in response, aching for release, aching for what it had been craving all these years.

God, I just wanted to take her entirely inside me, and keep her there, but instinctively I knew she wasn’t ready for this. Not yet.

I stilled my body, well, did my best to, and slowed the kiss, bringing it down to a dull roar, rubbing soothing circles on her back, instead of my hand being planted firmly on her ass.

Breathing heavily, I pulled away all together, trying to get my heart rate under control.

Haley seemed to understand, as she closed her eyes, taking several deep breaths.

'Wow,' she exhaled. I smiled. 'Where did you learn to kiss like that?' She opened her eyes, looking at me. I shrugged.

'Years of practice, I guess.'

'No one’s kiss has ever affected me the way yours does. My god. I’ve never felt anything like it.'

'Ditto here.'

'Really?' She smiled almost sheepishly.

'Definitely. You drive me wild, Haley.'

'Good.' She buried her head into my neck, my cheek resting against hers, my hand caressing the side of her face, fingers brushing back her hair. 'What do you say we head to bed?' she said, her hand caressing my shoulder. 'After all, we both do have work tomorrow.'

'Okay.' I said, patting her arm before I pulled away. She looked up at me, grinning.

'Just sleep.'

'Who are you trying to convince, lady?' She grinned. I tried to stand, but my legs were literally shaking, feeling like I was trying to walk on sticks of rubber. 'Whoa,' I flopped back down on the mattress.

'Did I do that to you?' Haley asked, scooting up to sit behind me.

'I’m afraid so. What did you put in that kiss, anyway?' I leaned back against her, reveling in the feel of her.

'My heart,' she whispered into my ear. I smiled, hugging her arms tighter around me.

Eventually we both were able to stand, and gathered up the mess, folding blankets, Haley letting the air out of the mattress. She looked at me.

'Did you have a nice Valentine’s Day, Andi?' I stopped folding the blanket I was working on, and looked at her.

'The best I’ve ever had,' I said quietly.

'Really?' I nodded.

'Really.' She grinned, ear to ear.

'Me, too.'

* * *

Winter was coming to an end as March marched into town, bringing lots of rain with it, washing the snow away for the most part, though we still got the occasional storm or five.

It was one of those rare Saturdays when Haley hadn’t stayed over, or I hadn’t stayed over her place. We had decided to give each other some space last night, and on one hand it had been nice, but on both feet, it had sucked. We were getting nearer and nearer to the day when she would fly out of my life, and my state. I tried not to think about it, but knew it was inevitable, and coming quickly.

Just returning from my Saturday morning class, I had changed into a pair of shorts and a tank, and decided to clean the house. Last night had been Bunsen and me night. That poor dog was so confused. I was gone so often, returning from time to time to feed him and take him outside. I knew in his own doggy way he was upset with me. So, last night we had played every game known to man and mutt. We both had thoroughly enjoyed it.

Now, as I mopped the kitchen floor, I heard the doorbell. Leaning the mop against the counter, I hurried over to it, opening the door only to nearly be run over by a very agitated Haley. She was loaded with energy, barely able to keep still.

'Hi,' she said, looking at me, kissing me on the lips, then walking right past me, only to start pacing in front of the coffee table. Bunsen watched her, sitting on his haunches, head cocked to the side.

'Um, are you okay?' I closed the front door, and walked over to her. 'Come on, let’s sit.'

'No, I need to pace. I’ve got entirely too much energy.'

'Okay. I’ll sit.' I sat on the couch, watching her. 'What happened?'

'I did it,' she said, looking at me. Confused, my brows drew.

'Did what?'

'I told them.' I still didn’t get what she was talking about.

'Told who, what?'

'My parents!' she said, as if I should be able to read her mind. Whatever was I thinking. Then it hit me. My eyes widened.

'Wait, did you tell them what I think you told them?'

'How am I supposed to know what you’re thinking? I can’t read your mind.' I chuckled.

'Does it have anything to do with, well, this new you?' She smiled, nodded. She had a wild smile on her face, like she was loaded with fire.

'I called Holden a few days ago, and told him first.'

'Wait, what exactly did you tell him?' I stood, walked around to the front of the coffee table, sitting on the

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