Homo habilis; Homo sapiens; ice ages and; immune response; individual differences in; life, conditions amenable to; Lucy; mineral requirements; multiregional hypothesis; Neandertal man; Neandertal tools; origin of the species; Peking Man; pressure upon, effects of; salt and; search for early humans; Solo People; speech; tool-making by early man; toxicity of metals; Trinil skullcap; Turkana skeletons; viral infections; water, needed for life; water, percentage of

Humboldt, Alexander von

Hutton, Charles

Hutton, James

Huxley, Aldous

Huxley, T. H.

Hyakutake comet,

Hyde, Jack

hydrogen; atomic number; Avogadro’s number; combustion and; identification of; most abundant element; Rozier’s experiment


ice ages; Agassiz’s theory; Croll’s theory; Earth’s orbit and; human evolution and; landscape and; Little Ice Age; Messinian Salinity Crisis and; Snowball Earth; survival of life and; warming of; Wisconsian ice sheet

Illustrations of the Huttonian Theory of the Earth (Playfair)

Inflationary Universe, The (Gamow)

insects; known species; new discoveries; species, estimated

International Cloud Atlas (Howard)

Isaacs, John

isotope geochemistry

Izett, Glenn


Jardine, Lisa

Jarvik, Erik

Java Man

Jefferson, Thomas

Jeffreys, Alec

Jeffreys, Harold

Jenkin, Fleeming

Johanson, Donald

Johnston, David

Joly, John

Joseph, Lawrence

Jupiter: comet Shoemaker-Levy, impact on; distance from Earth


Kaku, Michio

Kelly, Kevin

Kelvin, Lord

Keynes, John Maynard

kimberlite pipes

Kinsey, Alfred C.

Kolbert, Elizabeth

Koppen, Wladimir

Krebs, Robert E., 108

KT boundary; event and extinctions

Kuiper belt

Kuiper, Gerard,

Kunzig, Robert

Kurlansky, Mark


La Condamine, Charles Marie de,

Lalande, Joseph

Large Magellanic Cloud

Lassa fever

Lavoisier, Antoine-Laurent

Lavoisier, Madame

Lawrence, Ernest

Le Gentil, Guillaume

lead,; age of Earth and; atmospheric; banning; Clean Air Act of 1970; health hazards; isotope; tetraethyl (TEL, gasoline additive)

Leakey, Louis

Leakey, Mary

Leakey, Meave

Leakey, Richard

Leavitt, Henrietta Swan

Lederman, Leon

Leeuwenhoek, Antoni van

Lehmann, Inge

Leibniz, Gottfried von

Lemaitre, Georges

Leonard, F. C.

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