Milky Way

Miller, Stanley

Missing Links (Reader)

Mohorovii?c, Andrija


monitor lizards

Monod, Jacques

Moody, Plinus

Moon (Earth’s): birth of; distance from Earth, measuring; cratering rates; lack of liquid core; stability of Earth and

Morgan, Thomas Hunt

Morley, Edward

Morley, Lawrence

Moss Flora of Britain and Ireland (Smith)


Movius, Hallum

Mullis, Kary B.

Murchison, Roderick

Murray, John

museum, first public

Myers, Norman


Naked Earth: The New Geophysics (Vogel)

Natural History Museum, London

necrotizing fasciitis

Neptune; distance from Earth; moons


neutron; activation analysis

neutron stars

New Horizons spacecraft

Newlands, John

Newton, Isaac; ether and ether drift; gravity and; laws of motion

Ngalli, Jillani

nitrogen: bacteria and; bends and; in human body; intoxication

nitric oxide

nitrous oxide (laughing gas)

Nobel Prize: Alvarez, Luis; Bohr, Niels; Chadwick, James; Crick, Watkins, and Wilson; Curie, Marie; delay in receiving; Einstein, Albert.; geologists never win; Hoyle, Fred; Libby, Willard; Medawar, Peter; Morgan, Thomas Hunt; opposition to Avery’s; Pauling, Linus; Rutherford, Ernest; Sulston, John; Urey, Harold

noble gases,

North Star

Norton, Trevor

Norwood, Richard

Note on the Species of Living and Fossil Elephants (Cuvier)

Notes on the State of Virginia (Jefferson)

Nuland, Sherwin B.

numbers, very large

Nuttall, Thomas


oceans: abyssal plain; Alvin, explorations of; amphipods; Antarctic Circumpolar Current; Atlantic; Beebe and Barton, deep dives; bends; blue whale; carbon absorption and; coral reefs; currents; deepest free dive; depletion of fish in; drop of water, time to travel between oceans; exploration and investigation of; floor, exploration of; giant squid; Gulf Stream; guyots; human body and pressure; lack of underwater research; life, at great depths; Mariana Trench; mid-Atlantic rift; mountain range, most extensive on Earth; oceanography, discipline begun; Pacific; percentage of Earth’s water in; phytoplankton; Piccards, deep sea dives; pressure; radioactive waste dumped in; rising of; salinity of; sea level; seafloor spreading; seawater; sediment, where it goes; species of animals in; thermohaline circulation; undiscovered life in; vents, life near; vents, refreshing of seawater and

Oldham, R. D.

Olduvai Gorge (Great Rift Valley), Tanzania

On the Equilibrium of Heterogeneous Substances (Gibbs)

On the Origin of Species (Darwin)

Oort cloud

Oort, Jan.

Oppenheimer, Robert

Opik, Ernst

Organic Remains of a Former World Parkinson)

Orgel, Leslie

Ostro, Steven

Other Side of Everest, The (Dickinson)

Overbye, Dennis

Owen, Richard

oxygen: abundance; atomic weight; atmospheric, creation of; combustion and.; discovery of; identification of; isotope geochemistry and; oxidation; size of creatures and

ozone; CFCs and

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