Levy, David

Lewin, Roger

Lewis, John S.

Lewis, Meriwether

Lewontin, Richard

Libby, Willard


life: amino acids; bacteria (microbes); Big Birth,; Cambrian explosion; categorization of; cell theory; change and mutation; chemicals or heavy elements for; classification of,; conditions necessary for; creation in the laboratory; database of living organisms; deep sea, and requirements for; Darwinism; Dimetrodon; diversity of; DNA; earliest, character of; on Earth; on Earth, date of origination; on Earth, evolution of, from anaerobic to oxygen-loving; emergence from the sea; eukaryotes; evolution of; extraterrestrial; extremophiles; flying creatures; hyperthermophiles; insects; marine organisms and stability of atmosphere and weather; meteorite theory (panspermia); mitochondria, development of; mystery or miracle of; natural impulse to assemble and; oneness of; oxygen levels and size of creatures; oxygenation of the atmosphere and; planets where possible; proteins and; saltationist theory; species, known; species, origination of; species, unknown; stromatolites, living remnants of 3.5 billion year old life; tetrapods; vertebrates; vertebrates, terrestrial; viruses. See also bacteria; extinctions; fossils; humans

Life: An Unauthorized Biography (Fortey)

Life at the Extremes (Ashcroft)

light: Michelson-Morley experiment; quantum theory; special theory of relativity; speed of, constant; symbol for speed of; as wave

Lightman, Alan

Lincoln, Abraham

Linde, Andrei

Linnaeus, Carolus

Lonely Hearts of the Cosmos (Overbye)

Longitude (Sobel)

Lowell, Percival

Lyell, Charles

Lyon, John


Mach, Ernst

MacPhee, Ross

Maddox, Brenda

Maes, Koen

magnetic field, reversal of Earth’s

Malthus, Thomas

mammals; protomammals, therapsids; surviving periods of extinction


Manson, Iowa, impact

Mantell, Gideon Algernon,

Mantell, Walter

Map That Changed the World, The (Winchester)

maps and mapmaking,; contour lines; measuring the length of a degree; meridian, measurements of

Marat, Jean-Paul

Marburg fever

Marcy, Geoffrey

Margulis, Lynn

Mars: conditions on,; lack of liquid core; moons

Marsh, Bryan

Marsh, Othniel Charles

Marshall, Barry

Maskelyne, Nevil

Mason and Dixon line

Mason, George

Mason, John

Mathematical Climatology and the Astronomical Theory of Climactic Changes (Milankovitch)

Matthew, Patrick

Matthews, Drummond

Maxwell, James Clerk

Mayer, August

Mayr, Ernst

McGrayne, Sharon Bertsch

McGuire, Bill

McLaren, Dewey J.

McPhee, John

Medawar, Peter

Meinertzhagen, Richard

Mendel, Gregor

Mendeleyev, Dmitri Ivanovich

Mendes, J. C.


Messinian Salinity Crisis

Meteor (film)

Meteor Crater, Arizona

meteorites; carbonaceous chondrites; Murchison, Australia; panspermia theory; Tagish Lake, Canada. See also asteroids

Michel, Helen

Michell, John

Michelson, Albert

Michelson-Morley experiment


Midgley, Thomas, Jr.

Miescher, Johann Friedrich

Milankovitch, Milutin; cycles

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