galaxies: evolving; Hubble and discovery of; Milky Way; NGC1365; number of; number of stars in; recessional velocity

Gamow, George

Gap in Nature, A (Flannery amp; Schouten)

Gehrels, Tom

Geiger, Hans

Gell-Mann, Murray

Genera of North American Plants (Nuttall)

General Chemistry (Ebbing)

genetics: chromosomes; commonality of human; Darwin and; DNA; genes; hox genes; human genome; Human Genome Project; human proteome; mitochondrial DNA; Mendel, Gregor and; Modern Synthesis; Morgan’s fruit fly experiments; sex drive and replicating. See also DNA; humans

Geological Society (London)

geology; baked apple theory; British popularity of; catastrophism vs. uniformitarianism; convection; dating techniques; drilling through Earth’s crust, attempts; divisions of time in (eras, epochs, periods); Earth’s crust, early burst theory; Earth, interior of; Great Devonian Controversy; fossil evidence; fossils, marine; ice ages; iridium layer; isostasy; kimberlite pipes; KT boundary; Moho discontinuity; Mohole drilling; Neptunists vs. Plutonists; opponents to impact theory; plate tectonics; rocks, oldest; rocks, units of; Smith’s map of British rock strata

giant squid

Gibbs, J. Willard


Glicken, Harry

Godfray, G. H.

Gold, Thomas

Goldilocks effect

Gould, John

Gould, Stephen Jay

gravity; general theory of relativity and; gravitons; measuring the mass of Earth and; Newton and laws of; as weak force

Great Chain of Being

Great Devonian Controversy, The (Rudwick)

Great Spanish Flu epidemic

Greer, Frank

Gregory, J. W.

Gribbin, John and Mary

Groves, Colin

Gutenberg, Beno

Guth, Alan

Guyot, Arnold


Habeler, Peter

Hadley, George

Haeckel, Ernst

Haldane, J. B. S.

Haldane, John Scott

Hale-Bopp comet

Hallam, Arthur

Halley, Edmond

Halley’s comet

Hapgood, Charles

Harding, Rosalind

Harrington, Robert

Harrison, John

Hart, Michael

Haughton, Samuel

Hawaii, extinctions on

Hawking, Stephen

Heisenberg, Werner

Helin, Eleanor


Helmholtz, Hermann von

Herschel, William

Hess, Harry

Hessler, Robert

Higgs, Peter

Hildebrand, Alan


Hipparchus of Nicaea

Historia Generalis Plantarum (Ray)

History and Use of Our Earth’s Chemical Elements, The (Krebs)

Holmes, Arthur

Holmyard, E. J.

Hooke, Robert

Hooker, Joseph

How to Know the Mosses and Liverworts (Conard)

Howard, Luke

Hoyle, Fred

Hubble, Edwin; constrant, Ho; Law; Space Telescope

humans: Australopithecus; bacteria and; bacterial infections; bipedalism; brain development and size; cells, number of; classification of; common ancestry of; conception; Cro-Magnon; dehydration; DNA; early, mitochondrial DNA record; early, various bipedal hominids; elements in the body; evolution; fossil record; genetic code; heart; Homo erectus (Java Man);

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