Bachman’s warbler
bacteria; adaptive changes; antiquity of; below the Earth’s crust (SLiME); classification; culturing, difficulty of; discovery of; DNA, irradiated; durability; environments, extreme, as hosts to; epidemics; gangrene; harmful or infectious; identification of; in or on human body; mosquitoes and spread of; mutations; nitrogen conversion of; number of types; percentage of life; proliferation of; resistant to antibiotics; survival of, extraordinary
Baldwin, Ralph B.
Ball, Philip
Banks, Sir Joseph
Barton, Otis
Bastin, Edson
bdelloid rotifers
Becher, Johann
Becker, George
Becquerel, Henri
bed mites
Beebe, Charles William,
Bell, Alexander Graham
Bennett, Victoria
Bergstralh, Jay
Berners-Lee, Tim
Berzelius, J. J.
Bethe, Hans
Biddle, Wayne
Big Bang
Big Birth
Black, Davidson
black holes
Blackett, Patrick
Bodanis, David
Bogdanov, Igor and Grickha
Bohr, Niels
Bolzmann, Ludwig
Bonnichsen, Bill
Bose, S. N.
Bouguer, Pierre
Bowler, Jim
Boyle, Robert
Brace, C. Loring
Brand, Hennig
Briggs, Derek
Britain: geology, popularity of; learned societies; nitrous oxide, popularity of; plant collecting; sea exploration, HMS
Brock, Thomas and Louise
Broom, Robert
Brown, Guy
Brown, Harrison
Brown, Robert
Brownian motion
Brunhes, Bernard
Bryce, David
Buckland, William
Buffon, Comte de (Leclerc)
Cadbury, Deborah
Cannon, Annie Jump
carbon dioxide; Dover, white cliffs, and; inflated levels in atmosphere; marine organisms and
Carolina parakeet
Cassini, Giovanni and Jacques
Caster, K. E.
Cavendish, Henry
Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge University
Cavendish, William
cells; ATP; brain; cancer; chromosomes in; communication between; death; discovery of; DNA and replication of; lifespan,; liver; microscopic examination, first; mitochondria; nucleus; number in a human being; protein in; replacement; sponge, rebuilding; structure and activity of; types, variety
Celsius, Anders
CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Chadwick, James